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Everything posted by mstester

  1. Hi, I know its not actually a "fix" but you could take my .sif file (same as unattend.txt) and just tweek it for your own needs. If you want it just search for threads I've created, i think its the last one. Best of luck!
  2. Hi all. I'm using an unattend sif file to install XP pro on some of my lab machines, however I keep getting the error telling me that the target directory "\Windows" already exists when it comes to the partition selection. Below is my .sif file. I don't want to use any third party apps to achieve a full clean install of XP. Can anyone help me here so that my install simple wipes down the drives partitions and installs XP? I thought that using "Repartition=Yes" and "AutoPartition=1" would automatically delete all the partitions on the drive and create a new one for this install or was i completely mistaken?? Thanks in advance ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes TargetPath=\Windows Repartition=Yes WaitForReboot="No" UnattendSwitch=Yes [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=+++++++ EncryptedAdminPassword=No AutoLogon=Yes AutoLogonCount=1 OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=85 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ProductID=******************** FullName="******" OrgName="******" ComputerName=******* [Display] BitsPerPel=24 Xresolution=600 YResolution=800 Vrefresh=85 [TapiLocation] CountryCode=353 AreaCode=1 [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 SystemLocale=00001809 UserLocale=00001809 InputLocale=1809:00001809 [GuiRunOnce] [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=No [NetAdapters] Adapter1=params.Adapter1 [params.Adapter1] INFID=*
  3. Hi all, Is it possible to wirte some VB.NET code which can detect a change to a database i.e. something being added to a table or deleted? If it is I would really appricated any pointers on how to go about this Thanks in advanvce
  4. Thanks for the help guys, I figured it out below is a snippet of the code: However now my problem is that I cant figure out a way to allow the user to connect to the database which they just selected, any ideas?? Note: The code is written very poorly Dim conn As MySqlConnection Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand Dim myAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter Dim dataset As New DataSet Dim SQL As String Dim myData As New DataTable conn = New MySqlConnection conn.ConnectionString = "server=*******;" & "user id=" & usernametxt.Text & ";" _ & "password=" & pwdtxt.Text & ";" Try conn.Open() MessageBox.Show("Connection Opened Successfully!") Catch myerror As MySqlException MessageBox.Show("Error was encountered when connecting" & myerror.Message) Finally End Try SQL = "Show Databases;" myCommand.Connection = conn myCommand.CommandText = SQL myAdapter.SelectCommand = myCommand myAdapter.Fill(myData) comboBox.DataSource = myData comboBox.DisplayMember = "Database" conn.Close()
  5. should the statement not be Show databases; See my problem is that i dont know how to populate the combobox with the result :S
  6. Hi guys, Ive a simple question for you all (well what i hope is a simple question ) Lets say I have a msql server with three databases created i.e. test, test_1 and test_3. Is there a way that I can display these three databases in a combo box? I want the user to be able to select which database he/she wishes to connect to. Im using VB.NET for this and any help would be really cool Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks for all the reply's.........Ok now i feel like an id*** i really should have re-checked my original post before i posted it. What i meant was there is no Physical Windows Key on the laptop. My bad Sorry
  8. Hey guys, Quick question for ya all, I've recently gotten a old-ish laptop from work, however there is no windows start button. Is there a way in the reg that i can bind..lets say "altgr" to be the start button?? Thanks in advance
  9. Cheers jcarle, it works fine now, I have one other question though if i wanted to loop until the EOF was found would i do something like so "Do while not EOF() 'something loop" However I know that the EOF() requires "An Integer containing any valid file number" and im not too sure how this would apply to my case (in my code snippet above) Thanks again P.S. im sorry for bugging you with all these stupid questions
  10. Hi jcarle, sorry it took so long to reply. Thanks for the link it proved very useful however im having one slight little problen Basically what happening is my code doesnt seem to read all the bytes in the txt file that im trying to read. I have posted up both the file and code which im using. Just to fill you in a bit more on what im trying to do: I have a txt file lets say called tcp.txt (I just copied part of a random article from wiki), I'm trying to read in the first 80 bytes of that file and write them to a new file which get created before hand (called tcpCopy.txt). Once the first 80 bytes have been read and wrote to the new txt file, I need it to read the next 80, write them and so on till the EOF is found. It seems to be reading the first 80 fine but then it goes pair shaped on me :s I have a function called calc, it basically gets the file size (in bytes) of the .txt and divides it by 80 the number of bytes needed, it uses this calculation to loop through the code which reads the data. So if a file is 800bytes it loops 10 times. I know that a better way would be to have the stream read all the bytes in the file but however this is not a option If there's any light you or anybody else could shed on this, I would be most greatfull. Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form 'name of file to read from Const file_name = "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\tcp.txt" 'name of file to write to Const filename1 = "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\tcpCopy.txt" 'stream to read from Dim fs = New FileStream(file_name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) 'Stream to write to Dim fileStream As fileStream = New fileStream(filename1, FileMode.Create) 'Byte Array of size 80 Dim bytes(80) As Byte +Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load calc() ReadByte() End Sub Private Sub ReadByte() 'Count is used to loop until all data has been collected Dim count As Integer 'Var incrementPos used to increment the position pointer in File i.e. After reading the first 80 bytes 'set the position to 80 and read the next 80 byte and so on Dim incrememtPos As Integer count = 0 Do Until count = calc() fs.Seek(incrememtPos, SeekOrigin.Current) fs.Read(bytes, 0, 80) For i As Integer = 0 To bytes.Length - 1 fileStream.WriteByte(bytes(i)) Next i bytes.Clear(bytes, 0, 80) count = count + 1 incrememtPos = incrememtPos + 80 Loop fileStream.Close() End Sub 'This Function preforms a calculation of a given file size and returns the size 'number and hence the number of passes needed to take all the data in from 'the txt file Public Function calc() As Integer Dim MySize As Long MySize = FileLen(file_name) Return MySize / 80 End Function End Class Thanks again tcp.txt
  11. Hey guys, Ive a really stupid question to ask and I know I should know the answer but anyway. Lets say I have a txt file of size 'x', how would I read for example 80 bytes at a time and then end once the method reaches the EOF? Any Idea?? Thanks,
  12. Hey guys, I’ve recently started to get into automating my app install on my work machines, I was wondering though is there away to be notified that all apps have installed? For example lets say I have ten app which get installed once the first logon has occurred is there any way that I can be notified that all apps have installed short of actually going to the machine and checking myself?
  13. lol sorry to have caused a fight :s Anyways I was thinking instead of using the app to determin wheather or not its OS 'x' should I get the msi to do this, is this even possible or am I talking through my noobie hat?
  14. Thanks crahak for clearing that up for me, just a thought though. Would it be possible to make an .msi which would check to see what version the OS is and if its not 2003 kill the installer? would this be more efficant than having the application check the OS?
  15. hey guys cheers for the help on this, still not sure what direction to take, i was recently pointed at this piece of code which works fine Public Function OS_Version() As String Dim osInfo As OperatingSystem Dim sAns As String osInfo = System.Environment.OSVersion With osInfo Select Case .Platform Case .Platform.Win32Windows Select Case (.Version.Minor) Case 0 sAns = "Windows 95" Case 10 If .Version.Revision.ToString() = "2222A" Then sAns = "Windows 98 Second Edition" Else sAns = "Windows 98" End If Case 90 sAns = "Windows Me" End Select Case .Platform.Win32NT Select Case (.Version.Major) Case 3 sAns = "Windows NT 3.51" Case 4 sAns = "Windows NT 4.0" Case 5 If .Version.Minor = 0 Then sAns = "Windows 2000" ElseIf .Version.Minor = 1 Then sAns = "Windows XP" ElseIf .Version.Minor = 2 Then sAns = "Windows Server 2003" Else 'Future version maybe update 'as needed sAns = "Unknown Windows Version" End If End Select End Select End With Return sAns End Function However im unsure of the following bits? If .Version.Revision.ToString() = "2222A" Then ??? any ideas
  16. Hey Guys, I want to make an application (in VB.net or c#) which will run only on a Server 2003 box, does anyone know of a way to do this? Thanks,
  17. Thanks guys, Ok i now know what the problem was I had the partition with Server 2003 installed set to the active partition!! Used disk part to change it and re-tried the format and it worked
  18. Thanks everyone, it the switch /s worked like a dream! Thanks again guys!
  19. yeah ive tried that still no joy?
  20. Stupid question but if i make a Batch file to delete something and it requires a confirmation i.e. "are u sure y/n?" (for example) is there any way i can put the input into the batch file? Cheers
  21. Hey guys, Just a little question for you all. Suppose I have a 40gb Hard Drive with two partitions i.e. each 20gb, on one partition I have installed XP and the other Server 2003. I'm trying to find a way to format the second partition from within XP but through compmgmt.msc-->Disk Management thes option for format is greyed out! Also sometimes I recieve an error saying that there are files which are needed etc. Is there a way to do a force format? Would I have dismount the drive and then format Any help would be cool. Thanks, Phil
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