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Everything posted by johann83

  1. Heres a batch file that does something like what you are trying to do. It looks at a three digit number in a text file (file path/name specified in batch) and increments it and then writes it back out to the file. In the mean time the old and new values are stored in two variables which could be used elsewhere in the script (e.g. in your CDIMAGE commands). I hope this helps you. @ECHO OFF CLS SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :: Define the name of the file containing the version number SET VERFILE=VER.TXT :: Make sure the version file exists IF NOT EXIST %VERFILE% GOTO ERROR :: Check current version (from file) FOR /F "delims=" %%F IN (%VERFILE%) DO SET CURRVER=%%F :: Increment the version number IF "%CURRVER%" LSS "009" ( SET /A TMP1=%CURRVER:~-1%+1 SET NEWVER=%CURRVER:~0,-1%!TMP1! ) ELSE IF "%CURRVER%" EQU "009" ( SET /A TMP1=%CURRVER:~-1%+1 SET NEWVER=%CURRVER:~0,-2%!TMP1! ) ELSE ( SET /A TMP1=%CURRVER:~-2%+1 SET NEWVER=%CURRVER:~0,-2%!TMP1! ) :: Write the new version number to a temporary file ECHO %NEWVER%>>%VERFILE:~0,-4%.TMP :: Update the version file with the temporary one XCOPY /Q /Y %VERFILE:~0,-4%.TMP %VERFILE% >> NUL DEL %VERFILE:~0,-4%.TMP >> NUL :: Done, exit the script GOTO END :ERROR ECHO An unexpected error occured during this operation. :END ECHO. PAUSE EXIT Regards, Matt
  2. I believe the correct spelling is "intrigues" At any rate, if you hex edit the sfcfiles.dll file you will find a lengthy list of file names as wamatt says. However, it doesn't seem to me like this list is long enough to contain all the files that are protected by SFC, and one would think that there should be an easier way for MS to add something to SFC protection (besides updating the DLL, obviously). I'd be interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on the matter... Matt
  3. I was thinking more along the lines of if someone wanted to disable SFC for other files, besides those in %ProgramFiles%. Such as uxtheme.dll perhaps... It would make it tremendously more user friendly to allow some sort of user control over what files are removed from protection. I am by no means saying that what you did is no good, I was just trying to make a suggestion. Regards, Matt
  4. Just curious which folders this removes from SFC? Is it only things in %ProgramFiles% or are there others? Do you have a list? I know you are doing this as a (free) service to others, but I think it would be nice to allow the user to select which items to be removed from SFC. I'm not entirely sure how you did this, so I don't know if that could be done easily, but maybe you could extract the list of protected files from the DLL and then allow the user to specify which ones to disable via an INI (or similar). Just a thought... Regards, Matt
  5. Try this: ;Set the temp directory to C:\Temp [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment] "TEMP"="C:\\Temp" "TMP"="C:\\Temp" But just like all HKCU tweaks, it will need to be applied via cmdlines.txt to take effect for all users... Hope that helps. Matt
  6. I have the same problem with the same mobo. I guess we'd need to take up the issue with Abit really. In reality, since I don't reinstall all that often (hopefully) I just open the case and disconnect the PATA drive. I have also noticed that if I have a bootable OS on both the SATA and PATA drives, the PATA one boots no matter what I set in the BIOS. Of course, I haven't checked it lately and there have been a couple of BIOS updates, so maybe they fixed that one. Matt
  7. I have something in my REG files that seems to work for this. I'll look it up when I get home and post back... Regards, Matt
  8. Install them using the /SAVEINF="filename" option to record an install INF file (InnoSetup equivalent to an ISS file). Then in your unattended use the /LOADINF="filename" option to install unattended. InnoSetup switches are available here. I have not tried the components option, but if you create an INF it has a list of components in it. The components list from my install INFs are below. I don't know if I selected everything though, so something may be missing. QuickTime Alternative Components=mpclassic,qtcodec,qtdirectshow,qtplugins,qtcpl Real Alternative Components=mpclassic,realcodec,realdirectshow
  9. Looks like you don't really want an answer then, because what you want to do cannot be done. Sorry...
  10. UPDATE This version works exactly as expected.
  11. I'm trying that now, thanks. I also noticed one other thing (unrelated to SATA). With this new DirectX hotfix the *.CAT file that ends up in the SVCPACK.INF file does not conform to the 8.3 convention that everything else does. Is this by design? As a side note, it seemed to work fine with the long file name... Regards, Matt
  12. I'm having a problem with the SATA integration with the latest "test" version of XPCREATE. I'm using the SI3112R controller on my motherboard and have included the drivers in the $OEM$/$1/Drivers directory. XPCREATE says that it located the drivers and integrated them, but the entries in TXTSETUP.SIF are not there. The SI3112R.SY_ file is correctly added to the I386 directory and the headings for the entries in TXTSETUP are there (i.e. [sourceDisksFiles] etc) but the contents for each heading are not there. Log files are attached. If I need to send the SATA drivers, I can do that too. For now, I manually added the entries, but thats not really an optimal solution. Thanks. Matt
  13. GM, I know you don't/won't support this method, but I was able to get Windows Update to report it as installed by first slipstreaming DX9 into the XP source using batches from jdeboeck. I then put the DirectX90-KB839643-x86-ENU.EXE file in the HF1 directory for XPCREATE. Even if you don't support this method, perhaps it will help you figure out the Windows Update problem. Regards, Matt
  14. Found something interesting about this problem. It goes away if I install windows "attended" (i.e. the normal install works perfectly). For debugging the unattended, all I did was take the attended install source and added a stripped down WINNT.SIF file. The contents of this file are below, it came directly from setupmgr.exe and I added the UnattendSwitch=Yes line. Any thoughts? ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=No UnattendSwitch=Yes TargetPath=\WINDOWS [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=361902e619afae135e34749e73fa9c64c37021a83fcd318d220b82eb191a53dd EncryptedAdminPassword=Yes OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=35 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ProductID=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX FullName="Matthew J. Volkar" OrgName="" ComputerName=JOHANN83 [Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1280 YResolution=1024 Vrefresh=75 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes Again, the normal ("attended") XP install works as expected, while the same source with the above WINNT.SIF file added exhibits the IE/OE problems discussed in my first post. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks, Matt
  15. From my original post... Which is exactly what is recommended in the link you provided.
  16. Perhaps it is because I only have Outlook XP (i.e. 2002). But a discussion of whether Outlook requires OE wasn't really the point of the thread... Matt
  17. Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Straight from ole Billy himself... As far as reinstalling XP, I have done it about 10 times in VMWare over the last three days. I was using XPCREATE, but decided maybe that was causing a problem, so I went back to just the original CD + WINNT.SIF with the same results each time. The only thing I could really think of is a corrupt CD somehow... Matt
  18. I don't have any [Components] section in my WINNT.SIF, so it shouldn't be turned off. I even recreated a new file using setupmgr.exe, but with the same results. I don't use Outlook Express personally, but it is required for Outlook to work (which I do use). Outlook gives me an error about OE not being installed. I also tried sfc /scannow but it didn't report any problems. Thanks for the ideas, keep 'em coming. Matt
  19. I recently reinstalled Windows XP on my machine using the same unattended CD I always use. The problem is that, this time, something went terribly, terribly wrong. There are two obvious symptoms to the problem I am having. Internet Explorer asks if you want to set it as the default browser EVERY TIME you start it. It seems as though there really is no default browser somehow. Outlook Express does not appear to be installed correctly. There are no shortcuts for it, and manually running the executable results in an error about MSOE.DLL. I have tried several things, to no avail. The first and most obvious was to cut out all the extra stuff from my unattended disc. No extra apps, no drivers, no hotfixes. Nothing except the XP source and a WINNT.SIF file. Same problems here. The next was to try looking up the error message/symptoms on the web (e.g. MSDN, Google etc), this resulted in a KB article about how to reinstall IE6 and OE on Windows XP, which I attempted. No luck here either. Now I've resorted to examining the setup logs for any possible problems. I have found only one, which I can't explain. The error is, "Could not register OLE Control activeds.dll..." Not sure if this is normal, or even related to the problem. I'm really out of ideas, and can't think of any other options, short of trying a normal ("attended") install to see if the error persists. Just wondering if anyone here has any thoughts or ideas that I could try... Thanks, Matt
  20. A question/suggestion... Have you tried XPCREATE? There is also a seperate forum for it here. Sounds like it would be just up your alley. There is even a "test" version which will download all the latest hotfixes for you. Regards, Matt
  21. Heh. You've got to be kidding... I guess I should RTFM, huh? Anyhow, I re-enabled 8.3 name creation and will try again. Since my current install is hosed up, I'd rather get it straightened tonight, but I'll still try out the new version when you post it. Thanks for the help. Matt PS Out of curiosity, how did you know what the problem was?
  22. GM, Made several installs over the last two days with this new build and the downloaded hotfixes from your list. The good news is that the downloading seems to be working perfectly and the creation process is as easy as ever. The bad news is I experienced a problem with every one of the installs. The problem has two symptoms, 1) Internet Explorer says it is not the default browser each time you open it (actually there appears to be no 'default browser' at all) and 2) shortcuts for Outlook Express do not appear anywhere and manually double-clicking on the executable gives an error about not being properly installed. It is almost as if IE/OE are not installed correctly, but even after trying a few suggestions from MS to re-install them it still didn't work. Now, I don't think that either of these two issues are necessarily related to this test version, but perhaps they are related to a recent hotfix... I have used other versions of XPCREATE many times without issue, but the last four builds (in the last three days or so) have shown this problem. Knowing your penchant for saying "Try the failsafe", I did exactly that (except that I included my drivers) and it exhibits the same problem. Actually, I don't know if it was exactly the failsafe because there seems to be some things in the auto-download that are NOT on the failsafe list. Attached is my log file, if you could take a look and make any suggestions, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Matt LOGFILES.CAB
  23. This is NOT the same as the digital signature provided by Microsoft for drivers etc. The signature for WHQL certified drivers is generally provided in a seperate .CAT file. ModifyPE is simply modifying the internally stored checksum for the file to match that of the original (unmodified) file. This is done because the windows install routine refuses to copy files whose checksums do not match the pre-defined values (presumably to prevent someone from adding a virus etc to a windows install CD). I don't know the dirty details of how ModifyPE does its job, but apparently it is possible to fool the installer into thinking that a modified file is in fact the official one from MS so that it will get copied. Again, this is simply for copying the file from the Windows CD during the install and has nothing to do with driver signing or digital signatures for other files (e.g. hotfixes). In most cases, you Windows setup will note an error or warning in one of the setup logs when it notices a modified file. Regards, Matt
  24. Looks to be working now, but unless SIZEOF does something more sophisticated, you might look at the code I posted above. It just eliminates another external program... I'm running the XPCREATion now, but won't get a chance to test it until later tonight. Matt
  25. I'm getting a couple errors with this new "test version". 'CABARC' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. and 'SIZEOF' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Looks like maybe you forgot a couple external programs from the download zip? Regards, Matt EDIT: So I guess it looks like I don't really need CABARC, and I wrote a bit of script to avoid the SIZEOF problem. Basically, I replaced your GETSIZE sub with the following code. Maybe this is something you'd like to use as it only uses batch commands... :GETSIZE SET CHECKFILE=%1 DIR /-C !CHECKFILE! > XPCTTEMP.TXT FOR /F "TOKENS=2,3" %%A in (XPCTTEMP.TXT) DO ( IF /I "%%A" EQU "File(s)" set NEWSIZE=%%B ) GOTO EOF
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