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  1. I have just downloaded flashplayer10_1_rc2_activex_041910.exe from filehippo.com, which is the latest as of today 28th april 2010 Install silently with flashplayer10_1_rc2_activex_041910.exe -install Uninstall silently with flashplayer10_1_rc2_activex_041910.exe -uninstall -force I found this from App Deploy This will work under windows 7
  2. Hi this method allows you to install NOD32 Antivirus then update it using an offline cache. This will work on trial versions or retail versions(home,business), all have been tested on XP English, XP Korean and XP virtual machines. -If you want to use an offline cache firstly use NOD32 Update Viewer to download your updates. If you are going to use business, home or trial download the appropriate updates. -Create a folder called upd and copy the updates there -the nod32 install exe and upd folder must be in the same folder as this script is running Second Use the below script to install onto a PC NB depending what the name of the exe is change the $exe = "eav_nt32_enu.msi" scetion I also have a script for ESS but it is pretty simple to modify this script, just change the title and tweak it a bit. I don't use ESS cause the firewall is not that flash and not worth the extra $30 bucks This is quite useful if you are a reseller of NOD32, its a great antivirus and I recommend it to all my customers! Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) $g_szVersion = "NDog_WPIW" If WinExists($g_szVersion) Then Exit; It's already running AutoItWinSetTitle($g_szVersion) HotKeySet("{ESC}", "MyExit") Func MyExit() Exit EndFunc #requireadmin #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #Include <GuiToolBar.au3> $exe = "eav_nt32_enu.msi" $titlepre = "nul" $title = "ESET NOD32 Antivirus Setup" $processname = $exe ;#cs If Not ProcessExists($processname) Then ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\" & $exe) EndIf Local $Done = False While Not $Done If WinExists($titlepre) Then WinActivate($titlepre) WinWaitActive($titlepre, "", 5) ElseIf WinExists($title, "Welcome to ESET") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!n") ElseIf WinExists($title, "License Agreement") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button4","!a") ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!n") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Installation mode selection") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button8","!s") ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!n") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Select Installation Folder") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!n") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Enter your Username and Password") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!n") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Proxy server") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!n") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Program components:") Then ControlClick($title, "Program components:", "Button5") ; program components may be buggy While WinExists($title, "Program components:") If WinExists($title, "Updates can be performed automatically") Then ControlClick($title, "Updates can be performed automatically", "Button8") ControlClick($title, "Updates can be performed automatically", "Button12") ControlSend($title, "Updates can be performed automatically", "Button1","{SPACE}") ; end of program components ControlSend($title, "Program components:", "Button1","!n") EndIf WEnd ElseIf WinExists($title, "Password protect settings") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!n") ElseIf WinExists($title, "ThreatSense.Net Early Warning System") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button4","{SPACE}") ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!n") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Detection of potentially unwanted applications") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button6","!d") ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!n") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Ready to Install") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!i") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Click the Finish button to exit the Setup Wizard.") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","!f") $Done = True Else Sleep(500) ContinueLoop EndIf WEnd While ProcessExists($processname) WEnd #ce $nodupdpath1 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Plugins\01000400\Profiles\@My profile" RegWrite($nodupdpath1,"UpdateType", "REG_DWORD", "24") RegWrite($nodupdpath1,"Restart", "REG_DWORD", "100") RegWrite($nodupdpath1,"SelectedServer", "REG_SZ", "" & @ScriptDir & "\upd" & "") $nodupdpath2 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Plugins\01000400\UI_Settings\Servers" RegWrite($nodupdpath2,"Server_0", "REG_SZ", "" & @ScriptDir & "\upd" & "") While Not IsDeclared ("BtnNum") $hToolBar = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]", "") $hSysTray = ControlGetHandle($hToolBar, "", "ToolbarWindow321") $BtnCnt = _GUICtrlToolbar_ButtonCount($hSysTray) $BtnTxt = "ESET NOD32 Antivirus" ;Search for the right icon on the tray $i = 0 While $i < $BtnCnt ;MsgBox(2,"",StringLeft(_GUICtrlToolbar_GetButtonText($hSysTray, $i),20)) If StringLeft(_GUICtrlToolbar_GetButtonText($hSysTray, $i),20) = $BtnTxt Then $BtnNum = $i ExitLoop EndIf $i += 1 WEnd Sleep(500) WEnd Local $Done = False While Not $Done If WinActive("ESET NOD32 Antivirus","Username and Password setup...") Then ExitLoop Else _GUICtrlToolbar_ClickButton($hSysTray, $BtnNum, "left") WinWait("[CLASS:#32768]", "", 5) SendKeepActive("[LAST]") ControlSend("[LAST]", "", "", "{UP 6}{ENTER}") EndIf WEnd Sleep(1000) ControlSend("ESET NOD32 Antivirus","Username and Password setup...","", "!{F4}") $nodupdpath1 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Plugins\01000400\Profiles\@My profile" RegWrite($nodupdpath1,"UpdateType", "REG_DWORD", "24") RegWrite($nodupdpath1,"Restart", "REG_DWORD", "100") RegWrite($nodupdpath1,"SelectedServer", "REG_SZ", "AUTOSELECT") $nodupdpath2 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Plugins\01000400\UI_Settings\Servers" RegDelete($nodupdpath2,"Server_0")
  3. This is an autoit script that will install Daemon Tools 4.30.3 and configure the options It will asign the virtual CD as x: It works and I have tested it on multiple PC's including Virtual Machines, however it is not 100% reliable as far as setting the drive options, since it uses a system tray click, so if you have lots of tray item popups while running it - it might not work so well. -daemon4303-lite.exe must be in the same folder as you are running the script -reboots computer after installing SPTD -I recommend to compile it to exe as it reboots and continues running This is setup using my prefered options as defaults, change it how you need. Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) $g_szVersion = "NDog_WPIW" If WinExists($g_szVersion) Then Exit; It's already running AutoItWinSetTitle($g_szVersion) HotKeySet("{ESC}", "MyExit") Func MyExit() Exit EndFunc #requireadmin #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #Include <GuiToolBar.au3> $type = "CD" $exe = "daemon4303-lite.exe" $titlepre = "nul" $title = "DAEMON Tools Lite 4.30.3" $processname = $exe ;#cs RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", "dtools", "REG_SZ", """" & @ScriptFullPath & """") If Not ProcessExists($processname) Then Run(@ScriptDir & "\" & $exe) EndIf Local $Done = False While Not $Done If WinExists($titlepre) Then WinActivate($titlepre) WinWaitActive($titlepre, "", 5) ElseIf WinExists($title, "Please select a language.") Then ;ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","{ENTER}") ControlClick($title, "", "Button1") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Welcome to the DAEMON Tools Lite") Then ;ControlSend($title, "", "Button2","{ENTER}") ControlClick($title, "", "Button2") ElseIf WinExists($title, "License Agreement") Then ;ControlSend($title, "", "Button2","{ENTER}") ControlClick($title, "License Agreement", "Button2") While WinExists($title, "License Agreement") If WinExists($title, "Setup must restart Windows and continue installation after reboot") Then ControlClick($title, "Setup must restart Windows and continue installation after reboot", "Button2") RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", $title & " Setup") Sleep(500) Shutdown(2); Computer will restart EndIf WEnd ElseIf WinExists($title, "Choose Components") Then ControlSend($title, "", "SysTreeView321","{DOWN}") ControlSend($title, "", "SysTreeView321","{DOWN}") ControlSend($title, "", "SysTreeView321","{SPACE}");Untick DAEMON Tools Toolbar ControlSend($title, "", "SysTreeView321","{DOWN}") ControlSend($title, "", "SysTreeView321","{SPACE}");Untick Desktop Shortcut ControlSend($title, "", "SysTreeView321","{DOWN}") ControlSend($title, "", "SysTreeView321","{SPACE}");Untick Start Menu Shortcuts ;ControlSend($title, "", "Button2","{ENTER}") ControlClick($title, "", "Button2") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Support the DAEMON Tools Team") Then ControlClick($title, "", "Button4") ;ControlSend($title, "", "Button2","{ENTER}") ControlClick($title, "", "Button2") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Choose Install Location") Then ;ControlSend($title, "", "Button2","{ENTER}") ControlClick($title, "", "Button2") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Completing the DAEMON Tools Lite Setup Wizard") Then ;ControlSend($title, "", "Button2","{ENTER}") ControlClick($title, "", "Button2") RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", "dtools") $Done = True ElseIf WinExists($title, "Already Installed") Then ;ControlClick($title, "", "Button3") ControlClick($title, "Already Installed", "Button3") While WinExists($title, "Already Installed") If WinExists($title, "Are you sure you want to quit Setup?") Then Sleep(5000) ;ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","{ENTER}") ControlClick($title, "Are you sure you want to quit Setup?", "Button1") EndIf WEnd RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", "dtools") Exit Else Sleep(500) ContinueLoop EndIf WEnd While ProcessExists($processname) If ProcessExists("iexplore.exe") Then ProcessClose("iexplore.exe") EndIf If ProcessExists("firefox.exe") Then ProcessClose("firefox.exe") EndIf If ProcessExists("opera.exe") Then ProcessClose("opera.exe") EndIf WEnd FileDelete(@DesktopCommonDir & "\DAEMON Tools Lite.lnk") DirRemove(@StartMenuCommonDir & "\Programs\DAEMON Tools Lite",1) #ce While Not IsDeclared ("BtnNum") ;Configure Daemon Tools (system tray) $hToolBar = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]", "") $hSysTray = ControlGetHandle($hToolBar, "", "ToolbarWindow321") $BtnCnt = _GUICtrlToolbar_ButtonCount($hSysTray) $BtnTxt = "DAEMON Tools" ;Search for the right icon on the tray $i = 0 While $i < $BtnCnt ;MsgBox(2,"",StringLeft(_GUICtrlToolbar_GetButtonText($hSysTray, $i),12)) If StringLeft(_GUICtrlToolbar_GetButtonText($hSysTray, $i),12) = $BtnTxt Then $BtnNum = $i ExitLoop EndIf $i += 1 WEnd Sleep(500) WEnd $title = "Preferences" Local $Done = False While Not $Done If WinExists($title, "Autostart tray icon") Then ControlFocus($title, "", "Button31") ControlClick($title, "", "Button31") ControlClick($title, "", "Button33") ControlSend($title,"","ListBox1","{END}{UP 4}") Sleep(1000) ElseIf WinExists($title, "Enable DT Panel") Then ControlClick($title, "", "Button24") ControlSend ($title,"","ListBox1","{END}{UP 2}") Sleep(1000) ElseIf WinExists($title, "Mount on the first empty device") Then ControlClick($title, "", "Button4") ControlClick($title, "", "Button34") ControlClick($title, "", "Button35") Sleep(1000) ExitLoop Else _GUICtrlToolbar_ClickButton($hSysTray, $BtnNum, "right") WinWait("[CLASS:#32768]", "", 5) SendKeepActive("[LAST]") ControlSend("[LAST]", "", "", "{UP 5}{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) WinWaitClose("[CLASS:#32768]", "", 5) Sleep(1000) EndIf WEnd $dtconfig = "HKCU\Software\DT Soft\DAEMON Tools Lite\Config" RegWrite($dtconfig,"Autostart", "REG_DWORD", "1") RegWrite($dtconfig,"Automount", "REG_DWORD", "0") RegWrite($dtconfig,"CheckForUpdate", "REG_DWORD", "0") RegWrite($dtconfig,"EnableShellExtensions", "REG_DWORD", "0") RegWrite($dtconfig,"Integration_MountOnEmpty", "REG_DWORD", "1") $dtoptions="HKCU\Software\DT Soft\DAEMON Tools Lite\Options" RegWrite($dtoptions,"PanelIncluded", "REG_DWORD", "0") RegWrite($dtoptions,"PanelTopmost", "REG_DWORD", "0") RegWrite($dtoptions,"ShowPanelByDblClick", "REG_DWORD", "0") RegWrite($dtoptions,"PanelVisble", "REG_DWORD", "0") $dtclasses="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\" RegWrite($dtclasses & ".b5t","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") RegWrite($dtclasses & ".b6t","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") RegWrite($dtclasses & ".bwt","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") RegWrite($dtclasses & ".ccd","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") RegWrite($dtclasses & ".cdi","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") RegWrite($dtclasses & ".cue","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") RegWrite($dtclasses & ".iso","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") RegWrite($dtclasses & ".isz","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") RegWrite($dtclasses & ".mds","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") RegWrite($dtclasses & ".nrg","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") RegWrite($dtclasses & ".pdi","","REG_SZ","DAEMON.Tools.Lite") Local $Done = False While Not $Done If WinExists("Device parameters") Then ControlClick("Device parameters", "", "Button5") ControlClick("Device parameters", "", "ComboBox1") ControlSend("[LAST]", "", "", "{END}{UP 2}{ENTER}") Sleep(100) ControlClick("Device parameters", "", "Button2") Sleep(1000) ExitLoop Else _GUICtrlToolbar_ClickButton($hSysTray, $BtnNum, "right") WinWait("[CLASS:#32768]", "", 5) SendKeepActive("[LAST]") ControlSend("[LAST]", "", "", "{UP 6}{RIGHT 2}{DOWN}{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) EndIf WEnd
  4. #requireadmin $type = "Internet\Flash" $exe = "Shockwave_Installer_Full.exe" $titlepre = "Select Language" $title = "Shockwave Player" $processname = $exe If Not ProcessExists($processname) Then Run(@ScriptDir & "\..\" & $type & "\" & $exe) EndIf Local $Done = False While Not $Done If WinExists($titlepre) Then ControlSend($titlepre, "","", "{DOWN}") ControlSend($titlepre, "","", "{ENTER}") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Next >") Then ControlClick($title, "", "Button1") ControlSend($title, "", "Button2","{ENTER}") ;ControlClick($title, "", "Button2") ElseIf WinExists($title, "Congratulations!") Then ControlSend($title, "", "Button1","{ENTER}") ;ControlClick($title, "", "Button1") $Done = True Else Sleep(500) ContinueLoop EndIf WEnd
  5. Sorry yeah it was quickly whipped up. I don't expect much here, except it doesn't work period. I only nlited IE7 into a Korean XP , and it BSOD. Nothing else was done in nlite. Using original CD works perfectly. I don't see much demand for nlite korean XP, probably not in korea either, I might try look on some korean tech sites too, thanks!
  6. page fault in nonpaged area same error as this guy http://www.msfn.org/board/win32kdll-page-f...in-t123252.html
  7. Hi there I have posted a video of my problem at youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFovw_UdUEc I have never been able to get nLite to work with my korean windows xp. I do a lot of nLiting and have success with Arabic windows xp and english XP, however Korean XP always seem to crash. An interesting sympton is when I type in korean symbols during the (nLited) installation, the korean characters do not show, but there are just spaces, but if i install XP without the nLited version, but using original CD, I can see the korean characters during setup (eg typing your user name, registered user, organisation etc) So I think somehow nLite is striping out the PAGE CODE Something or other, actually I dont know what that is, but i think it has something to do with the character encoding or something. Anyway you can see the blue screen on the video. If anyone has any similar experiences, please let me know about it and how you fixed it!!! 감사함니다!!!! ㅆ Thanks!!!
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