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  1. Aereoglass 1.5.13 w10 1909 18363.720 Symbols updated (22/04/20) Does the glass reflection and blur still work? Both crystal_reflection.png and bec_clouds.png seems not to loadble anymore (is that way since a long time) (I always used AeroGlassGUI to do that. Guess something is changed in the meanwhile).
  2. @NoelC Any ideas why I've lost the blur effect ? Changing the blur values in AeroGlassGUI don't do anything, nothing about blur seems to be present in the registry (like windows wiped the keys) and DWM.exe don't throw symbol errors (so they're updated). AeroGlass on 1809 build (I'm on slower branch)
  3. Symbols are already updated, but I don't see it anywhere on UWP apps. Even its debug window doesn't start. I tried this, which worked in past (anniversary) but don't seems to work perfectly. *EDIT* Actually, two regsvr32 C:\Aero\DWMGlass.dll -- registered the glass (first was failed with error message "can't access to the binary") and taskkill /f /IM ApplicationFrameHost.exe now are showing the three minimize-expand-close button from my atlas. But still no glass frame. I'll see what happen on restart, maybe something need to be preloaded (calculator and calender seems to have glass now) I just hope don't hang metro apps anymore =P *EDIT2* Ok, now it seems to work (with debug window) on some UWP apps. The ones with native transparencies - as calendar/calculator (inherited from project neon?) works best; while others, like store and settings only theme the buttons (maybe due some win awkard self protection?). Sticky notes has issues as the "bin button" is hidden by aero frame buttons and the "x" close the whole app. But I don't use it, so it's a minor issue.
  4. @timia I've slightly modified the atlas and the layout to remove border. This is built around the default windows 10 theme and default Windows metrics settings. Windows 10 now tends to ignore border values (and often corner radius) - especially if you don't use custom themes, as it actually don't have them anymore - so layouts and atlases help to this purpose. It's not perfect, but at least it should work on any win10 theme win7blacksq_atlas2.zip
  5. @timia Could be possible. Attach me (or link) the black square w7 atlas + layout and I'll try to fix it
  6. @timia I modified some layouts time ago (still works on 1803) to have thin borders.
  7. I've noticed few issues since latest two win updates (un-targeted branch, 1803) Sometimes, explorer.exe is not launched (but it can be started manually) After an update, boot screen is stuck at 100% updated. After reset, works. I'm not sure is due AeroGlass, but worth mention it. I've updated symbols again, maybe the issue will disappear. //edit Yup. I had old symbols, now it works nice
  8. No ETA. Usually an experimental aeroglass stay for a while - even months - before going stable. It need time to be updated with MS OS changes :3
  9. Well, 1.5.3 works partially with 1703. 1.5.4 Beta version works nice - only UWPs apps are missing back button on left. Tried sagorbird theme+atlas+glass+uwp frame+uxtsb everything seems to be in place. Of course, you'll see two/three debug window also with .key (but can be moved on desktop 2)
  10. Yes, atlas can be used with almost every theme. And can be taken from theme itself for best result, which is quite cool Of course, 7/rounded atlas are usually better with 7 themes - for a frame rounded layout; while 10/square atlas are better with 10 themes - for a squared frameless layout.
  11. Thanks for cmd tip. Actually, I already moved debugs windows to desktop 2 to avoid over-clicking. And yes, no more hangs it seems. Fun fact: even on some insider rings - without aero glass - the back button on metro apps don't show.
  12. It's working now, I missed the regsvr part, thanks again I'm noticing some hangs on explorer/start area - and missing back on metro frame. Well, I'll test it for a while :3 Now seems acting better - maybe need a little of trial stage to works well when enabled for first time. And what if I want to disable glass on metro apps without unregistering whole dwmglass? I read symbols versions from dwm debug window/log. Sometimes, hardcoded symbols are "old" after a win update; I update them when ready to avoid "dwm don't know how hook". But usually everything works also without them Sometimes, UWP glass hangs and I've to restart its debug windows. Well, actually I had two debug windows for UWPs: one with file icon (triggered by settings) and the other with folder icon (triggered by calculator). Closing one, could make start again metro apps/left area of start without restarting any process... These two seems to lock resources. Well, still having some hang issues with UWP frame, but it could be due uxtsb hook. Who knows. Every 'x' time, the frame process hangs and prevent to start any metro app - included settings. This affect also some windows. After a while, seems to be work fine without hangs. Glass environment stabilized
  13. @UCyborg mmh awkard... actually here the four symbols .pdb are present (used win10 sdk and script to get them) but are "older" - 10.0.14393.xxx (Anniversary Update) - but for dwm.exe are fine. Not tried on insider yet. And didn't test centered title - but yes, sagorbird theme/atlas/theme setting show a (better) glow but still no glass on most metro apps. There are any mandatory settings in aeroglassGUI/registry/metro settings to make it work ?
  14. So, for theming settings you need uxtsb? Well, I hooked loader for using updated 10 black theme; so it's working fine here. No glass on settings, but everything else is smooth :3
  15. I'm testing again. I dropped it for some time as I had issues (too many mods, probably). The question is: "it's possible to style command bar in 10?". There was a tool for 7, but it breaks explorer if used on ten.
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