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Everything posted by utln

  1. Need a way to resize NTFS partitions, mirror disk images, or otherwise muck about with disk partitions -- and don't want to use a proprietary package like Partition Magic? If so, the GNOME Partition Editor (GParted) is an excellent open source tool for the task. The GParted team released the GParted live CD version 0.2.4-2 this month, so I decided it was a good time to take GParted for a spin. GParted handles Ext2, Ext3, FAT16, FAT32, JFS, ReiserFS, Reiser4, NTFS, XFS, and other filesystem formats. At a bare minimum, GParted can detect, read, copy, and create partitions using those file systems -- and, in some cases, can shrink, expand, and move partitions. See the features page on the GParted site for the full rundown on GParted's capabilities. http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/04/25/1917228
  2. You can use BBIE to extract the boot image from your Windows CD.
  3. The research note on the Gartner site says that what makes the Sony BMG incident even more unfortunate, is that the DRM technology can be defeated easily. The user can simply apply a fingernail-sized piece of opaque tape to the outer edge of the disc, rendering session 2 - which contains the self-loading DRM software, unreadable. The PC then treats the CD as an ordinary single-session music CD, and the commonly used CD "rip" programs continue to work as usual. (Gartner emphasizes that it does not recommend or endorse this technique.) http://www.techtree.com/techtree/jsp/artic...9297&cat_id=582
  4. The top and left rows are used as parity bits, for error correction. The remaining dots in the grid are used to convey information about the document and its source, including printer model, printer configuration, printer serial number, and the date and time the page was printed. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20051018-5447.html
  5. Check out the Macro Reference section of the AutoIt help file. %SYSTEMDRIVE% is @HomeDrive %PROGRAMFILES% is @ProgramFilesDir
  6. Many fans of digital video recorders made by TiVo Inc. are beginning to fear that Hollywood studios will one day reach into their set-top boxes to restrict the way they record and store movies and programs. Among the functions included in TiVo's latest software upgrade is the ability to allow broadcasters to erase material recorded by TiVo's 3.6 million users after a certain date. That ability was demonstrated recently when some TiVo customers complained on TiVo community sites that episodes of "The Simpsons" and "King of the Hill" they recorded were "red-flagged" for deletion by the copyright holder. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=1148014
  7. http://www.theregister.com/2005/09/15/aol_msn/
  8. You'll have to look elsewhere. According to dvdshrink.org, DVD Shrink "IS NO MORE!"
  9. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...10entry369736
  10. If you're using the corporate version of Ghost you can add Ghost32 to PEBuilder. This will give allow you to use all the network card drivers that ship with XP. You can also check 911CD.net for additional drivers.
  11. I haven't had a chance to try this yet, but it should do what you're looking for: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=49184
  12. I have the following script added to RunOnce... DisableDNS.vbs Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set NIC = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration") for each instance in NIC if instance.ipenabled then WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\"&instance.settingid&"\RegistrationEnabled", 0, "REG_DWORD" end if next
  13. I chose 'don't want to pay for it'. Not that the service doesn't hold a value. I have too many email accounts as it is. The poll was a waste though. It got me to donate $20USD (too lazy to convert that into Euros) .
  14. Looks like CoolWebSearch is taking a more dangerous turn... http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20050805-5175.html
  15. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20..._newplanet.html
  16. You can install the file silently by using the /Q:A /R:N switches.
  17. Microsoft URL: www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3-19990518/cabpool/wgainstall_9160b6b3929938243b7d18417810677d9b9983b7.exe I'm not sure why the URL seems to have what appears to be a much older date in it. I got this URL while updating one of my PCs. I added this file to my unattended cd and reinstalled Windows on my test machine. I'm no longer asked to install the WGA software (892130). EDIT: Looks like the board formatting is converting some of the characters in the URL to HTML so I removed the link. You'll have to copy and paste the URL into your browser. Sorry. EDIT 2: For some reason the board is adding a space before the wgainstall_9160b6b3929938243b7d18417810677d9b9983b7.exe portion of the URL. You'' have to remove that in order to download the update.
  18. The incident seemed alarming enough: a breach of a Cisco Systems network in which an intruder seized programming instructions for many of the computers that control the flow of the Internet. Now federal officials and computer security investigators have acknowledged that the Cisco break-in last year was only part of a more extensive operation--involving a single intruder or a small band, apparently based in Europe--in which thousands of computer systems were similarly penetrated. http://news.com.com/Net+attack+called+broa...ml?tag=nefd.top
  19. https://www.sans.org/webcasts/show.php?webcastid=90530
  20. http://www.rednova.com/news/technology/141...wers/index.html Al Gore has a plan for luring the Internet generation back to television: make it more participatory by having viewers contribute their own video. The former vice president and longtime Internet champion joined investors Monday to announce the creation of Current, a cable TV channel that will target younger viewers with a blend of news, culture and viewer-produced video.
  21. NEW for Spring 2005 – Playskool Mr. Potato Head Darth Tater! PLAYSKOOL is proud to announce the launch of the new character, Darth Tater, just in time for the theatrical release of Revenge of the Sith. There's all kinds of mix 'n match, MR. POTATO HEAD fun with this wacky spud dressed as Darth Vader. The package comes with lots of silly parts, including lightsaber, cape, helmet, shoes, eyes, nose, teeth and more! Available Spring 2005. http://www.hasbro.com/starwars/pl/page.new.../dn/default.cfm
  22. Have you tried importing wuau.adm on the client machines?
  23. I put together a script to download, extract and gather the needed files to slipstream the Intel Chipset updates. The app is based on Raskren's How-To. Instructions: * Download and run the app once. The app will create an options.ini file and all of the necessary folders for you. * Edit the options.ini file as needed. Valid OS values are: Win2000, Win2003, or XP. * Download cURL and place it in the same directory as the app or somewhere in your path if you want the app to download the chipset drivers for you. Otherwise you'll need to download the drivers yourself and place them in the INFINST folder. The app should now be ready to run. Once the app is done the README.TXT file should open up (provided you answered Yes to ShowREADME in the ini file) to explain where to copy the extracted to. Chipset_Slipstream_v2.exe
  24. Here are the English/x86 links for the v6 (a.k.a. v5a) version of Windows Update. I haven't tested to see whether this will work in the same fashion as the v5 updates. http://download.windowsupdate.com/v5a/wind...dir/wuredir.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo...ate/wuident.cab http://update.microsoft.com/windowsupdate/.../wuweb_site.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo.../en/wuaueng.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo.../en/wucltui.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo...XP/en/wuapi.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo...en/iuengine.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo...en/wuaueng1.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo.../en/wuaucpl.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo...6/XP/en/cdm.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo...en/wuauclt1.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo.../XP/en/wups.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo.../en/wuauclt.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo.../en/wusetup.cab http://beta.update.microsoft.com/v5a/windo...XP/en/wups2.cab
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