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Help me please VBS

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There is a game and there is a bot for the game that you can design VBS scripts to work. I know you don't know how the bot works but you may be able to help with this.

Simple vbscript to check forum members against site, but I'm having trouble with Inet. Someone help me to parse a site? I get an error with .openurl

CODEPublic Const title = "Clan Check by AwaKening"'// Title for default new Registrations to forumPublic Const fm = "Forum Member"'// Title for Clan MembersPublic Const cm = "Clan RnR"Public Const forum = "http://clanrnr.com/index.php?act=Members"Public Const bnet = "http://www.battle.net/war3/ladder/w3xp-clan-profile.aspx?Gateway=Lordaeron&ClanTag=RnR"Dim oDict, INet1Set INet1 = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp")Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")oDict.CompareMode = 1Call ClanCheck()Sub ClanCheck()  Dim inclan, content, i, pages, users, n, name	content = INet1.openUrl(bnet)	If InStr(content,"Error Encountered")>1 Then		MsgBox "Error! The Battle.net clan page was unreachable."		Exit Sub	End If	inclan = Mid(content,Instr(content,"Total Members:"))	inclan=  Split(inclan,">")(5)	inclan = Left(inclan,2)	i = Int(inclan)	pages = Int(i/15)	If i Mod 15 > 0 Then		pages=pages+1	End If	For n=1 to pages		content = INet1.OpenURL(bnet & "&pageno=" & n)		users=split(content,"PlayerName=")		For i=1 to ubound(users)			name=Left(users(i),InStr(users(i),">")-2)			name = Replace(name,"%5b","[")			name = Replace(name,"%5d","]")			oDict.Add name, i		Next	Next	Call ForumCheck()End SubSub ForumCheck()  Dim i, n, content, pages, names, name, status, unregistered, remove, add	content = INet1.OpenURL(forum)	pages = 0	If InStr(content, "Pages:</a> (") > 0 Then		pages = Int(Left(Split(content, "Pages:</a> (")(1),1))	End If	For i=0 to pages		content = INet1.OpenURL(forum & "&st=" & i)		names = Split(content,"<strong><a href=")		For n=0 to UBound(names)			name = Split(Split(names, ">")(1),"<")(0)			status = Split(Split(names, ">")(8),"<")(0)			If oDict.Exists(name) Then				If status = fm Then					add = name & ", "				End If				oDict.Remove name			ElseIf status = cm Then				remove = name & ", "			End If		Next	Next	If oDict.Count > 0 Then		For each k in oDict.Keys			unregistered = k & ", "		Next		unregistered = Left(unregistered, Len(unregistered)-2)		MsgBox "Unregistered members:  " & unregistered	End If	If add <> vbNullString Then		add = Left(add, Len(add)-2)		MsgBox "Change the following members to " & cm & ":  " & add	End If	If remove <> vbNullString Then		remove = Left(remove, Len(remove)-2)		MsgBox "Change the following to " & fm & ":  " & remove	End If  End Sub

Also, I spotted a couple of other errors, but just look past them for now. I just need Inet working.


Code tags now replaced by codebox in order to help with browser layout formatting


Edited by Yzöwl
quote tags replaced
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It would certainly help if you were to post formatted code!

In the meantime I'll have to put put your 'code' into 'code tags' instead of 'quote tags'!

The secret is in the name...


Please ensure that your formatted code is placed inside 'codebox tags'

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It would certainly help if you were to post formatted code!
Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize that.
What's that supposed to mean?

Since your response did not mention your intention to do so; are you, or are you not, intending to format that code into something readable.

Do you expect everyone who is willing to help to also be in posession of a code formatter/beautifier in order to begin to decipher and debug on your behalf.

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I apologize for the inconvenience.

Public Const title = "Clan Check by AwaKening"'

// Title for default new Registrations to forum
Public Const fm = "Forum Member"

'// Title for Clan Members
Public Const cm = "Clan RnR"

Public Const forum = "http://clanrnr.com/index.php?act=Members"
Public Const bnet = "http://www.battle.net/war3/ladder/w3xp-clan-profile.aspx?Gateway=Lordaeron&ClanTag=RnR"

Dim oDict, INet1
Set INet1 = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oDict.CompareMode = 1

Call ClanCheck()

Sub ClanCheck()

Dim inclan, content, i, pages, users, n, name

content = INet1.openUrl(bnet)
If InStr(content,"Error Encountered")>1 Then
MsgBox "Error! The Battle.net clan page was unreachable."
Exit Sub
End If

inclan = Mid(content,Instr(content,"Total Members:"))
inclan= Split(inclan,">")(5)
inclan = Left(inclan,2)
i = Int(inclan)

pages = Int(i/15)
If i Mod 15 > 0 Then
End If

For n=1 to pages
content = INet1.OpenURL(bnet & "&pageno=" & n)
name = Replace(name,"%5b","[")
name = Replace(name,"%5d","]")
oDict.Add name, i

Call ForumCheck()
End Sub

Sub ForumCheck()

Dim i, n, content, pages, names, name, status, unregistered, remove, add
content = INet1.OpenURL(forum)
pages = 0
If InStr(content, "Pages:</a> (") > 0 Then
pages = Int(Left(Split(content, "Pages:</a> (")(1),1))
End If

For i=0 to pages
content = INet1.OpenURL(forum & "&st=" & i)
names = Split(content,"<strong><a href=")
For n=0 to UBound(names)
name = Split(Split(names, ">")(1),"<")(0)
status = Split(Split(names, ">")(8),"<")(0)
If oDict.Exists(name) Then
If status = fm Then
add = name & ", "
End If
oDict.Remove name
ElseIf status = cm Then
remove = name & ",
End If


If oDict.Count > 0 Then
For each k in oDict.Keys
unregistered = k & ", "
unregistered = Left(unregistered, Len(unregistered)-2)
MsgBox "Unregistered members: " & unregistered
End If

If add <> vbNullString Then
add = Left(add, Len(add)-2)
MsgBox "Change the following members to " & cm & ": " & add
End If

If remove <> vbNullString Then
remove = Left(remove, Len(remove)-2)
MsgBox "Change the following to " & fm & ": " & remove
End If
End Sub

Edited by Yzöwl
code tags replaced with codebox tags
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Since you believe that the problem lies with .openUrl, then we'll look at changing it.

try replacing

content = INet1.openUrl(bnet)

If InStr(content,"Error Encountered")>1 Then

MsgBox "Error! The Battle.net clan page was unreachable."

Exit Sub

End If


INet1.Open "GET", bnet, False


If Err.Number <> 0 Or INet1.Status <> 200 Then

MsgBox "Error! The Battle.net clan page was unreachable"

Exit Sub

End If

content = INet1.ResponseText

and use a similar idea in your ForumCheck subroutine.

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