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run once logon script in windows xp- solved

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hey, its rami, and i am breaking my head on that, but still cant find a solution:

i have windows xp pro,

and i want the logon script -thru Group Policy- will run just at once and not after etc logon.

how can i do that?



in search i was found that:

if not exist %systemroot%\nameofile.txt (
some commands
another command
more commands
) > %systemroot%\nameofile.txt

which needed to be in the a batch file at logon script at Group Policy.

found here.

what it means:

some commands
another command
more commands





i was put an example batch test file which include the lines:

if not exist %SYSTEMDRIVE%\text.txt (
copy f:\test.txt c:\test.txt
) > %SYSTEMDRIVE%\test.txt

which search if the file test.txt is not found on c:\.

if its found he does nothing.

if its not found it preform a copying command from to the text.txt file from f:\ to c:\

Edited by RAMI7250
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  • 1 year later...

I've found a nifty way of creating a logon script that appends a line of text (or however many lines) to a pre-existing file (i.e. services file in etc folder)

This can be put into the logon folder of a GPO to ensure the line is appended once only on logon, and never again

@ echo off


IF EXIST "c:\done.txt" (
goto exit
) ELSE (

echo test test test 1 2 3 4 5 >> c:\test.txt

echo done > c:\done.txt


This will check for the "done.txt: file, if its not there, it will add the desired text to the required file, then drop a file to say its done.

On next logon, the logon script exits as it finds the check file

Easy as pie... If anyone has an easier way to do this please let me know


Note the c:\test.txt should already exist

Edited by delnic
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