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Product key decoder?


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You could almost easily do it using a winpe bootcd with XP installation files (all versions) and using the rights switch to make the iso as there is an option to write only one time the same file. The winpe environnement would you to change the setupp.ini on the fly ( if using a write filter driver or a win PE with it).

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There are two ways I could go about doing what I want with setupp - create a batch file that copies all the installation files from my network share to the hard drive, re-writes the setupp file with the proper PID, then starts the installation; or, if using Windows PE, I could make a RAM drive and create symlinks to all the windows setup files, then have a script that makes a setupp and starts setup.

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS_symbolic_link symlinks can be made to network shares.

I've found three programs so far which may be able to help - xpdec (which gives me a number that matches info on the XP sticker, but doesn't match anything I can find on the net, and I can't figure out how to translate it into a version/channel thing; output is XXXXX-657-1329553-XXXXX if you were curious, sticker on case has 00043-657-132-955 below the product key), CHKPIDS (which I can't find to download), and pidxchk (which may be for just vista).

*edit* Also found a topic at http://board.defcon5.biz/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=951 which explains how to get the product ID from the key code, but not the same as the ones in setupp.ini

And I should probably mention that I want to do this over the network exclusively, didn't mean to say "disc" in the physical sense.

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Alright, got around to checking out the CHKPIDS program and it looks like it'll do exactly what I need it to.



That's what it outputs, I should be able to use that to create the setupp.ini

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