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Installing XP on USB Hard Drive


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I tried your usb_xp_init.cmd file and when I ran it I got a few errors:

Use files and folder






The system cannot find the path specified.

0 file(s) copied.

Comment the '@echo off' line. Run usb_xp_init.cmd again.

Does this line cause the error:

copy "%XP_system32%\config\system" "%XP_system32%\config\system_%date%.sav"

Ignore this line so far.

expand usbohci.sys

Microsoft ® File Expansion Utility Version 6.1.7100.0

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

d:\windows\system32\..\driver cache\i386\driver.cab: No files matching 'usbohci.sys'.

Microsoft ® File Expansion Utility Version 6.1.7100.0

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Adding D:\windows\system32\drivers\usbohci.sys to Extraction Queue

Expanding Files ....

Expanding Files Complete ...

Usbohci.sys is not found at driver.cab, but expanded from sp3.cab. That's not a error.

Do you run Windows 7 Release Candidate ?

usb_xp_init.cmd hasn't been tested that way. There didn't exist Windows 7 RC back then.

Does exist files d:\windows\system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe and d:\windows\system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf?

Was system registry file updated? Can you upload your system registry file?

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I tried your usb_xp_init.cmd file and when I ran it I got a few errors:

Use files and folder






The system cannot find the path specified.

0 file(s) copied.

Comment the '@echo off' line. Run usb_xp_init.cmd again.

Does this line cause the error:

copy "%XP_system32%\config\system" "%XP_system32%\config\system_%date%.sav"

Ignore this line so far.

expand usbohci.sys

Microsoft ® File Expansion Utility Version 6.1.7100.0

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

d:\windows\system32\..\driver cache\i386\driver.cab: No files matching 'usbohci.sys'.

Microsoft ® File Expansion Utility Version 6.1.7100.0

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Adding D:\windows\system32\drivers\usbohci.sys to Extraction Queue

Expanding Files ....

Expanding Files Complete ...

Usbohci.sys is not found at driver.cab, but expanded from sp3.cab. That's not a error.

Do you run Windows 7 Release Candidate ?

usb_xp_init.cmd hasn't been tested that way. There didn't exist Windows 7 RC back then.

Does exist files d:\windows\system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe and d:\windows\system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf?

Was system registry file updated? Can you upload your system registry file?

Yes Im running Windows 7, I didnt realize I needed to run usb_xp_init.cmd from XP. My server runs XP so I will copy usb_xp_init.cmd to my server and hook up the hard drive and run it and post what it says. Which 'system registry file' do you mean?

EDIT I created the directory structure like you said, commented the @echo off, and ran your program. Here is the output:

C:\UsbBootWatcher>usb_xp_init f:\windows\system32

C:\UsbBootWatcher>pushd C:\UsbBootWatcher\

C:\UsbBootWatcher>rem usb_xp_init.cmd v0.01

C:\UsbBootWatcher>rem created by cdob

C:\UsbBootWatcher>rem addon to UsbBootWatcher by marv

C:\UsbBootWatcher>rem http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showtopic=22473

C:\UsbBootWatcher>echo prepare XP files after first installation reboot
prepare XP files after first installation reboot

C:\UsbBootWatcher>if f:\windows\system32. == -secret_add_system_boot. (
echo ### -secret_add_system_boot ###
call :set_usb_boot_setting
goto :eof

C:\UsbBootWatcher>set XP_system32=f:\windows\system32

C:\UsbBootWatcher>if not exist "f:\windows\system32\config\system" set /P XP_sys
tem32=Path to your system32 folder on usb drive (e:\Windows\system32):

C:\UsbBootWatcher>if not exist "f:\windows\system32\config\system" (echo Error:
target not found & pause & popd & goto :eof )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>copy "f:\windows\system32\config\system" "f:\windows\system32\
The system cannot find the path specified.
0 file(s) copied.

C:\UsbBootWatcher>reg.exe load HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM "f:\windows\system32\config\sy

The operation completed successfully

C:\UsbBootWatcher>rem at first reboot: system registry use system permissions

C:\UsbBootWatcher>rem launch cmd.exe using system account

C:\UsbBootWatcher>rem http://blogs.msdn.com/adioltean/articles/271063.aspx

C:\UsbBootWatcher>sc.exe delete UsbBootCmd 1>nul

C:\UsbBootWatcher>sc.exe create UsbBootCmd binpath= "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
/c start /min C:\USBBOO~1\USB_XP~1.CMD -secret_add_system_boot" type= own type=
interact 1>nul

C:\UsbBootWatcher>sc.exe start UsbBootCmd 1>nul

C:\UsbBootWatcher>sc.exe delete UsbBootCmd 1>nul

C:\UsbBootWatcher>set OS_Architecture=I386

C:\UsbBootWatcher>if exist "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\AMD64\driver.cab
" set OS_Architecture=AMD64

C:\UsbBootWatcher>rem detect last sp*.cab

C:\UsbBootWatcher>For /F "delims=" %a in ('dir /a-d /on /b /s "f:\windows\system
32\..\Driver Cache\I386\sp*.cab"') do set sp_cab=%a

C:\UsbBootWatcher>set sp_cab=f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab

C:\UsbBootWatcher>echo sp driver cab: f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab
sp driver cab: f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab

C:\UsbBootWatcher>for %b in (usbehci.sys usbohci.sys usbuhci.sys usbport.sys usb
hub.sys usbd.sys usbccgp.sys usbstor.sys) do (if not exist "f:\windows\system32\
drivers\%b" (
echo expand %b
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:%b "f:\wind
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:%b "f:\windows\system32\dr
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys" (
echo expand usbehci.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:usbehci.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:usbehci.sys "f:\windows\sy
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\usbohci.sys" (
echo expand usbohci.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:usbohci.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:usbohci.sys "f:\windows\sy
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys" (
echo expand usbuhci.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:usbuhci.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:usbuhci.sys "f:\windows\sy
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\usbport.sys" (
echo expand usbport.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:usbport.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:usbport.sys "f:\windows\sy
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys" (
echo expand usbhub.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:usbhub.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:usbhub.sys "f:\windows\sys
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\usbd.sys" (
echo expand usbd.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:usbd.sys "f
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:usbd.sys "f:\windows\syste
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\usbccgp.sys" (
echo expand usbccgp.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:usbccgp.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:usbccgp.sys "f:\windows\sy
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\usbstor.sys" (
echo expand usbstor.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:usbstor.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:usbstor.sys "f:\windows\sy
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>rem add IDE and ATAPI

C:\UsbBootWatcher>for %b in (pciide.sys intelide.sys pciidex.sys atapi.sys) do (
if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\%b" (
echo expand %b
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:%b "f:\wind
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:%b "f:\windows\system32\dr
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\pciide.sys" (
echo expand pciide.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:pciide.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:pciide.sys "f:\windows\sys
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\intelide.sys" (
echo expand intelide.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:intelide.sy
s "f:\windows\system32\drivers"
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:intelide.sys "f:\windows\s
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\pciidex.sys" (
echo expand pciidex.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:pciidex.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:pciidex.sys "f:\windows\sy
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>(if not exist "f:\windows\system32\drivers\atapi.sys" (
echo expand atapi.sys
expand.exe "f:\windows\system32\..\Driver Cache\I386\driver.cab" -F:atapi.sys "
expand.exe "f:\windows\Driver Cache\I386\sp3.cab" -F:atapi.sys "f:\windows\syst
) )

C:\UsbBootWatcher>if I386. == I386. set OS_Architecture=x86

C:\UsbBootWatcher>copy x86\UsbBootWatcher.* f:\windows\system32
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
1 file(s) copied.


C:\UsbBootWatcher>goto :eof


Usbbootwatcher.exe and usbbootwatcher.conf exist in f:\windows\system32 (the usb drive)

I tried booting off the drive but I still get the 0x7B bsod

While I am waiting for your response, I am going to reinstall the SSD, install to it, run USBBootWatcher on it, then clone to the USB drive.

Edited by SpikedCola
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C:\UsbBootWatcher>copy "f:\windows\system32\config\system" "f:\windows\system32\config\system_16/06/2009.sav"

The system cannot find the path specified.

0 file(s) copied.

Yes, system_%date%.sav does cause this.

Backup the file "f:\windows\system32\config\system" yourself.

Then ignore this error message.

Which 'system registry file' do you mean?
The file containing the registry hive system at USB: f:\windows\system32\config\system

Did a second cmd window opened?

There should be a second cmd window opened, USB registry adjusted and second cmd closed.

This part may work or fail at Windows 7.

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C:\UsbBootWatcher>copy "f:\windows\system32\config\system" "f:\windows\system32\config\system_16/06/2009.sav"

The system cannot find the path specified.

0 file(s) copied.

Yes, system_%date%.sav does cause this.

Backup the file "f:\windows\system32\config\system" yourself.

Then ignore this error message.

Which 'system registry file' do you mean?
The file containing the registry hive system at USB: f:\windows\system32\config\system

Did a second cmd window opened?

There should be a second cmd window opened, USB registry adjusted and second cmd closed.

This part may work or fail at Windows 7.

With Windows 7 that part did not happen. On XP I did notice it happen. However it didnt allow it to boot. Im in the process of in stalling SP3 and cloning now. I will let you know how that goes

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Did a fresh install of XP and used USBoot on it, copied it to the drive, and it would give me a black screen after the boot select screen.

For best results:

Use only 1 drive.

Install windows where you can (it can be nlited but have to keep some stuff), laptop or destop pc, does'nt matter.

After that, is where USBoot come to work.


Run batch called cmd_here.cmd, then type usboot phase-0

follow instructions, the last phase is 3, when it copies to a USB.

This next step can be little confusing:

When is done, save all your work as setup and usb creation by using a backup tool as northon ghost or acronis trueimage.

If you do so, use an external USB HD (assuming that your Aspire One have more than 1 USB port), when (full) Hard drive image (USB drive, i mean) is done,

plug your "windows USB" to the aspireone, configure devices, repeat previous step (in case it could work better), create a windows image (result is going to be 2 image drives).

Go back to the pc where did all the process, unplug every storage device, plug your "windows USB", proceed to install (while runing "windows USB") the image restoring tool, shut down.

Go to your Aspire One, plug the "USB base" with the restoring tool and start from it (i hope you can do that), setup necessary drivers only (if necessary, again), plug your external USB HD, configure, then clone the first "windows USB" image to your Aspire and shut down, unplug devices, startup then configure devices, after that, can be ready to install softw...

In case that doesn't work, try the second image drive...

ATM I use my USB stick almost everywhere, just plug, run windows, configure network (video if different make, sound if different too) and fly on the net, watch youtube video, create plans with floorplan or 3dhome architect, watch DVD movies with KMplayer installed from klite codec pack, play MP3's with winamp 2.95 +dsp stacker allowingme to add many plugins.

Edited by Maxfutur
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