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Hi, Anyone haves luck with an SoundMAX Driver for Windows 9X? My P5GPL-X SE motherboard haves a SoundMAX Integrated HD Audio and does not recognise all Win98 drivers i have searched in internet!

The motherboard drivers can be founded here: http://usa.asus.com/product.aspx?P_ID=iXVo6XwZxKr5ALwR

there's an compatible driver (not need to be 100% compatible) with that? for some reations, is possible installing SoundMAX drivers in VIA cards, (my friend alerady does that, he just realized that when him format him computer to install windows vista.)

tnx agan!

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It's not the same motherboard, but my Dell has Sound Max integrated digital audio. It's working fine with 98. The driver can be downloaded here.

hmm... i installed it and get the error in the image, but after, i goes to Dispovitive Manager and there's none soundcard listed, only the undetected is that:

Also sorry about the wraid quality of image, 9x MS-Paint :P


Edited by pichorra
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I downloaded the Related File: "wdm3516b_Cadenza.exe" and then, extracted the content to D:\Audio (D: is my Windows ME driver). After, i unnistalled all SoundMAX related devices from my computer, and restarted it.

then i ran the SETUP.EXE in D:\Audio, installed and then, they show this message to me:

"This Audio Drivers requires an Update to Microsoft* Windows* 98 Se and Windows* 2000 Operational System's Audio components. Please Refire to the ReadMe.txt File for adicional information on the required update.

But i'm Running Windows Millennium! says to myself.

this is what .txt file was saying:

Microsoft* Windows* 98 SE audio update

This audio driver requires an update to the Microsoft* Windows* 98 SE operating system's audio components. The updated audio components are located in the file "242937USA8.EXE". To install the updated audio components:

Click on the Windows 98 SE "Start" button

Select "Run"

Type x:\<folder>\269601USA8.EXE. "x:\<folder>" is the drive and folder that the audio drivers were unzipped to.

The update program will prompt you for additonal information and will automatically update the operating system's audio components. You will be prompted to restart your system after the update.

Then i ran the related file, and, for my surprise, i get:

Windows 98 Se Q269601 Update

This update is not Designed for your Version of Windows. Press ok to Exit

and i get the same error agan. No adi codecs installed.

Edited by pichorra
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Sorry, but, i think Windows Me and Windows 98SE drivers is the same thing :o Sorry. but, anithing related with Windows Millennium Edition?

Windows 98 is only similar to Windows ME in certain ways, but Windows ME uses newer system files.

If you need to get any Windows 98 update working on Windows ME, you could try looking for the copy from Microsoft which was meant for Windows ME (If one exists).

If you can't, but really need to: You can try to extract the files inside the update and manually insert them into your SYSTEM folder (Beware that there is a risk of breaking your system by inserting system files from another Operating System version).

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