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Talk about invansion of privacy and home invasion. what a match


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The way I see it, it is like this. Since 2001 ( at least the US ) we have been taken advantage of..............

Visas, to recorded phone calls, and even invading a persons actions, when they have not taken any.

Going as far to change the law so, we all can look at our selves and think something was wrong with us, when we were in the prime of our youth.

It has become so bad, the original reasons for this lack of privacy, is being used against it's citizens targeting elderly men, men in general, and anybody who is not European enough. The standards have become less of ours alone, and is now belonging to somebody else who is not of our origin.

It has affected us, because back in the early 2000. You could view, read, ship, send, material from across the world, without thinking some crazy person is going to go into your package and pass judgement.

The bottom line is that beng free minded thinkers, who are loyal dedicated citizens we are no longer consdiered free, at all. It is like our whole entire lives have been living under neath a seeth.

1. Cell Phone users.

2. People who help spread the fear of being attacked, or gettting AIDS.

3. People who think they move in the ways of the Lord but are selfish

4. Racism and Fear

The virtual world, was a nice to place to live and grow inside, but it is not a place I want my spirt to die in.


The bottom line is that, their is not one thing wrong with anybody, and nobody is fighting back. Not lawfully or unlawfully, but it is like walking thru a smog of indifference and insanity.

I remember when people would unite, and be realistic about things. Like how you face the law when you did something wrong. not just write about stfuff. But we live in a world where old wives tales are told by their daughters who have no other ambition in the world to make their lip as solid as a fist. Church girls who do not believe in anything but Church, but they still abuse the ways of the Church.

At one time I could co-exsist, but when people trample on my way of life, at every angle, and then trys to find a way to eliminate me, while looking like if they are doing good. It is funny how always been like this. Outcasted in grade school, ostrosized in college, and even here on the net, I am pinned to the wall like "jeepers Creepers" yet we did nothing wrong. The last thing I want to do, is **** my children to same faith. It is like the whole world is just saying leave, go away, or give me all your money and we will call it even stevens.

Edited by ROTS
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WHAT IN The Fu(k do # 2 & 3 have to do with ANYTHING???

Screw religion it is just a organized legal mafia.

You don't want AIDS? Have safe sex and don't share needles.

Really dude do you like just ranting on random crap and spreading anger yourself?

You are the most rant-filled angry person I have seen on this forum in the 10+ years I have been member.

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