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[One of the greatest things about cdshell is debugging. To debug just double click the file cdshw.com in the BOOT folder. This will run a simulation of what the boot process will look like. Don't worry about accidentally installing XP or anything like that, because the debugger does not allow actual commands to be executed. To exit the debugger type exit at the command prompt. If you can't access the command prompt then just Ctrl+Alt+Del out. ]

I tried to do debugging but for some reason the cdshell.ini and cdshw.com don't work can someone help me please?....


The cdhell.ini and cdshw.com are in the same folder (boot folder)...

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I downloaded a new copy of CD Shell 2.0.11 and it worked, but it only works from here: C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\Desktop\cds2011\boot. When I try the other partition (E:\AIO-DVD\BOOT) it seems like the computer hangs and doesn’t work…

Here is my cshell.ini



print "\n"

print "Press Enter to boot from DVD... \n"

getkey 5 boot 0x80

if $lastKey == key[enter]; then goto time

# When no key found...

goto boot

# Function to display time of day


set hour = $timeHour

set ampm = "am"

if $timeHour > 12; then set hour = $timeHour - 12

if $timeHour > 12; then set ampm = "pm"

set time = "$hour:$timeMinute$ampm"

# Function to display date


set month = "n/a"

if $dateMonth == 1; then set month = "Jan."

if $dateMonth == 2; then set month = "Feb."

if $dateMonth == 3; then set month = "Mar."

if $dateMonth == 4; then set month = "Apr."

if $dateMonth == 5; then set month = "May."

if $dateMonth == 6; then set month = "Jun."

if $dateMonth == 7; then set month = "Jul."

if $dateMonth == 8; then set month = "Aug."

if $dateMonth == 9; then set month = "Sep."

if $dateMonth == 10; then set month = "Oct."

if $dateMonth == 11; then set month = "Nov."

if $dateMonth == 12; then set month = "Dec."

set date = "$month$dateDay,$dateYear"

# Printing the Interface


set textColor= color[grey on black]

set boldColor= color[cyan on black]



print c "\cXXAdvanced Multi-Boot DVD v1.7\n\n"

print l "\cXXPress \c0BF1 \cXXfor Help"; print r "\c0Bckite@portraitofakite.com \n"


print "1) Windows XP Professional SP1 OEM \n"

print "2) Windows XP Professional Corporate \n"

print "3) Windows Server Enterprise 2003 Corporate \n"

print "4) Windows 2000 Professional SP4 \n"

print "5) Windows 2000 Server Standard SP4 \n"

print "6) Windows ME \n"

print "7) Windows 98 SE \n"

print "\n"

print "X) More Options... \n\n"

print "Q) Quit to Command Prompt \n"

print "R) Reboot \n"

print "ESC) Boot 1st Harddisk \n"

print c "\n"


getkey 20 boot 0x80

if $lastKey == key[1]; then chain /PRO1.DAT

if $lastKey == key[2]; then chain /PRO2.DAT

if $lastKey == key[3]; then chain /3ENT.DAT

if $lastKey == key[4]; then chain /2PRO.DAT

if $lastKey == key[5]; then chain /2SRV.DAT

if $lastKey == key[6]; then memdisk /ME.IMA

if $lastKey == key[7]; then memdisk /98SE.IMA

if $lastKey == key[q]; then end

if $lastKey == key[r]; then reboot

if $lastKey == key[x]; then goto MoreOptions

if $lastKey == key[F1]; then goto Help

if $lastKey == key[esc]; then boot 0x80



print r "\n\cXXPress \c0BF1 \cXXfor Help \n"

print c "\n\cXXMore Options \n"


print "1) Read/Copy Files From NTFS Volumes To FAT32/16 Drives \n"

print "2) Partition Magic 8.0 \n"

print "4) View Serial Numbers \n"

print c "\n\n"

print "Press any key to return to main menu... \n"


getkey 20 goto menu

if $lastKey == key[2]; then memdisk /PM8.IMG

if $lastKey == key[4]; then goto SerialNumbers

goto menu



print r "\n\cXXPress \c0BF1 \cXXfor Help \n"

print c "\n\cXXSerial Numbers\n"


type /Serial~1.txt

print c "\n\n"

print "Press any key to return to main menu... \n"


goto menu



print c "\n\cXXMulti-Boot DVD Help \n"


print "\n"

print "Hit the key of your choice in the main menu -> \n"

print "\n"

print "\n"

print "Install Types \n"


print "Regular - Install will prompt you for all information during setup. \n"

print "Unattended - Install with no user prompts. \n"

print "OEMPreinstall - Install Windows and additional programs with no user prompts. \n"

print "\n"

print "\n"

print "Press any key to return to main menu... \n"


goto menu


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