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Simple two program start batch file and task manager


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Hi all


I am new (today) to machine script. This is something I put together and will be trying tomorrow.



cd /d "C:\path"
Start Filename.bat

cd /d "H:\path"

Start Program.exe


ping -n 10 localhost 1> NUL
TASKLIST /v /fi "IMAGENAME eq program.exe" 2>&1 > NUL


taskkill /f /im cmd.exe /t



If all goes well, filename.bat will run. Then a program will run. CMD will then check for program.exe until not found (exited), then close CMD.


In this case program.exe does not work with start /wait


I am wondering if the check will slow down my machine if run for a few hours.


I am using Windows 7 x64, SSD, 16GB RAM and AMD 8350.


Considering inserting a small timeout, but seems silly.


Is there a way to slow down the check, but still close immediately if program.exe is closed?

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Side notes.

Always use a name or just a pair of double quotes when using the START command.


You cannot really use TASKLIST like that, as it doesn't set an ERRORLEVEL, see:



I am not sure to understand the original idea, can you provide some details on what you actually *need* or *want* to do?


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No problem:)


Filename.bat is a looping xcopy /d with 5min timeout


Program.exe is an application that makes frequent saves


I need something that will start the .bat and the program, then close the .bat when the program is closed.

Edited by Drivejunky95
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I still have no understanding of the final GOAL. :blushing:


I was expecting a description of the expected result or scope and - unless of course it is a trade secret of some kind - the contents of the batch and what is the actual "program.exe" would be another piece of useful info (as I am completely failing to imagine an executable that would not work with "START /W" :unsure: ).


You need to be aware of the risk :ph34r: of (possibly) slipping on a chocolate covered banana :w00t: or more generally fall in the XYZ problem:




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When I start program.exe I also want a looping batch file to start (see Filename.bat). This will save new files from program.exe to another directory.


What isn't happening is when I close program.exe, the looping batch file is not closing, hence the **taskkill /f /im cmd.exe /t**


I think I have narrowed it down some.



@echo off
xcopy /y "C:\path" "H:\path" /d
timeout /t 20
goto loop


So using:



@echo off

cd /d "H:\path"

cd /d "C:\path"
call Filename.bat



timeout /t 10> nul
TaskList /nh /fi "IMAGENAME eq program.exe" | find "program.exe" 2>&1 > nul


taskkill /f /im cmd.exe /t


Works, but prevents the CHECK due to no return of control from the looping Filename.bat

Edited by Drivejunky95
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But why the two batches?


I mean (IF I have understood the issue) wouldn't this single batch do nicely? :unsure:

@echo offcd /d "H:\path"program.execd /d "C:\path":loopxcopy /y "C:\path" "H:\path" /dtimeout /t 20:CHECKTaskList /nh /fi "IMAGENAME eq program.exe" | find "program.exe" 2>&1 > nulIF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO :looptaskkill /f /im cmd.exe /t

The ERRORLEVEL syntax has been modified, though the one you used is fine, because of this (it's only a habit, not really-really needed in most cases):




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Almost works,



@echo off
cd /d H:\path
Start /b program.exe
cd /d C:\path
call Filename.bat
And inside
@echo off
timeout /t 10 > NUL
xcopy /y "C:\path" "H:\path" /d
TaskList /nh /fi "IMAGENAME eq program.exe" | find "program.exe" 2>&1 > nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto loop
This is working, but the looping error level section is exiting while program.exe is still open
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Awesome man! You killed it!:)


Set the NEQ error level to 1 and "IF ERRORLEVEL NEQ" fixed it! 


Just for giggles I tried it in the original script and it worked!


So that means using the ERRORLEVEL syntax like this in Windows 7 returns negative values!:)

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Awesome man! You killed it! :)


Set the NEQ error level to 1 and "IF ERRORLEVEL NEQ" fixed it! 


Just for giggles I tried it in the original script and it worked!


So that means using the ERRORLEVEL syntax like this in Windows 7 returns negative values! :)

Good :thumbup , I guess that which ERRORLEVEL is set should be verified in the two cases (when the FIND actually finds the program.exe and when it doesn't) but the main thing is that it works :).



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