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The Moment We've All Been Waiting For


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I just bought Splinter Cell the other day for Xbox. I must say the game is fantastic so far. Only thing I didn't like at first is you control the camera view with the right thumbstick. Took a little getting used to, but I got the hang of it. Same thing goes for Dead To Rights.

If you own an Xbox, this is a must-have. It'll certainly be a must-have for the PC in January. :)

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All i have seen is the Tv advert..and they portray it to be similar to max payne..for example

They slow down action scenes like bullet time, and the action seems to be similar, in looks but not nessarally game play....

similar but not the same

Bottom line the game looks very cool and fun!


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they could have picked a better level for the demo theres hardly anyone to kill and barely anything to do :)

anyone else think the demo is crap aswell and they could have given us a level with more things to do and more weapons i think that is the shortest demo i have ever played

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i thought the whole idea of a demo was to show off the game and leaving u wanting more not to give u a 15minute demo with only 7 or 8 people to kill even some kind of weapons training tutorial would have been better

btw heres all the movements taken from the official splinter cell forum

1. Changing Movement Speed:

-Go into "Settings" and look for "ZoomIn/Accelerate"

and "ZoomOut/Decelerate" under the crouch

configuration. Mine is set to the middle mouse scroll

button, so when I want to run faster I move the scroll

button forward, and when I want to slow down, I move

the scroll button backward. This changes your upright

as well as stealth movement speed.

2. Rolling:

-First, increase your movement speed (refer to previous

instruction if you don't know how). If you want to

roll while in an upright position, run forward and hold

your crouch key for a short period of time, until you

begin rolling. The same is true for rolling from a

"Stealth Position". While crouched over move forward

and hold the crouch key for a short period of time

until you begin your roll.

3. Wall Jump:

-Stand next to a wall and face forward. Make sure your

body is perpendicular to the wall. Then, jump upward

with the jump key and wait until you are at the

maximum height of your jump, and tap your jump key


4. Split Jump:

-First you have to repeat the steps of the Wall Jump,

but with one slight adjustment. Instead of tapping

your jump key as you gain maximum height on your first

vertical jump, hold your jump key until your Split Jump

is completed.

5. Drop Attack:

-Get into the split jump position and wait until an

enemy walks under you. Then tap your jump key again

to drop onto them, which knocks them unconscious.

6. Quiet Landing:

-Drop from your Split Jump by tapping your jump key

but hold down your Crouch Key until you hit the ground.

7. Door Peek:

-Move to a door and hold down your Interact Key instead

of just releasing it. The game will pause somewhat as

long as you are holding down the Interact key. Then,

with the key being held down tap your backwards

movement key until you see "Open Door Stealth"

highlighted. Then release the interact key and you

crack the door to peek in.

8. Split Jump Shooting:

-Get into Split Jump position and tap your draw weapon


9. Hanging Shooting:

-Same as above but hang from a pipe instead of the split


10. Back to Wall Shooting:

-Press your back to the wall key and move towards a

corner. Hold the movement key that moves you in

the direction of the open hallway/room. Then draw

your weapon (while holding your movement key).

11. Hostage Taking:

-Sneak up behind an unsuspecting baddie until you see

the "Grab Character" option. Then simply hit your

interact button.

12. Body Shield:

-First take a character hostage like above, and while

you are holding the character hit your draw weapon

key. This uses the person you have as a hostage

like a shield while you can shoot at any other enemies

in sight.

13. Moving Bodies:

-Move up to an unconscious body until you see the

interact option, then tap the interact key to pick the

body up. Tap the interact key again to drop the body.

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