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Forum - use - non swear words - for swear words..

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Forum - use - non swear words - for swear words..

Below is a list of words that are genuine GOOD GUYS from WordWeb and/or TheSage. However they sounds a bit sweary or naughty. BUT THEY ARE NOT!

If you don't believe me, look them up.. smileswineglass.gif

So, instead of writing: Well, f*ck me. You can write: Well, rooter skunk me. :P

or what about: Well, fartlek me!

I thought Tommo was a Conepatus leuconotus because of his farandole and Farsi in his Phalaris aquatica!!



rooter skunk

Conepatus leuconotus

wood pussy

more F in Fun

Woodsia alpina








Fast of Ab




tinker's root

Uranus :thumbup


toowomba canary grass

Phalaris aquatica



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well uve never heard george carlin's stuff then. he has lke 10 minutes worth of words that are not bad but can sound filthy if you use it in a certain context. ill try to find it on google, so far im having no luck.

edit: heres alot of em


Edited by ripken204
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well uve never heard george carlin's stuff then. he has lke 10 minutes worth of words that are not bad but can sound filthy if you use it in a certain context. ill try to find it on google, so far im having no luck.

edit: heres a lot of em


Very good finding this!!! All the seven words you can't say on television you can on Australian TV. Only c*nt was missing, until an episode of 'Sex and the City'.

But, I tell ya, Conepatus leuconotus, Windows Blinds appear to be worrying.

I always thought 'what's in a name..' It's only us that think a word is a no-no. What if I said 'wheelbarrow'. If everyone thought that was so-called dirty, they would be totally shocked. I feel wheelbarrow is a dirty word. Especially in the garden.

Wheelbarrow, Wheelbarrow, there I said it again. Wheelbarrow.

Na, it's like kissing in the wind sometimes..


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  • 2 months later...

How Swearing Works

We all know what swearwords are. Even very young children know which

words are naughty, although they don't always know exactly what those

words mean. Learn what makes words into swearwords, how society

responds to swearing and how it affects your brain.


According to the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," the most offensive word in the universe is "Belgium." :huh:

By the second book in the series, the world of Harry Potter had its own racial epithet -- "mudblood," a repugnant word for people of non-magical parentage.


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