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Automatic Drivers Installation

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My personal automatic drivers installation batch files are stated as below:

Directory & file structure:













.............Download Software, Drivers and Utilities Filters.url





.............Download IAA23.url




..............Download IAA23.url


..............(extract VIA_USB2_V270p1-L-M.zip)






...............D-Link TechSupport DWL-G122 (Ver.B1).url




................(Dir) Drivers

























Code of batch files:


set dir1=%windir%\Temp\dup

if exist %dir1%\i-A00-StageStart.txt goto endif

md %dir1%

echo if exist W:\reboot10s.vbs subst W: /D > %dir1%\drive.bat

echo if exist W: net use W: /delete /Yes >> %dir1%\drive.bat

echo subst W: %0F >> %dir1%\drive.bat

echo W: >> %dir1%\drive.bat

xcopy %0F\i-A*.bat %dir1%\ /F /Y

if (%OS%) == (Windows_NT) xcopy %0 "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\「開始」功能表\程式集\啟動\" /V /Y

if not (%OS%) == (Windows_NT) xcopy %0 "C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\啟動\" /V /Y

echo i-A00-StageStart > %dir1%\i-A00-StageStart.txt


call %dir1%\drive.bat

set update=i-A00-StageStart.txt

for %%U in (%dir1%\i-A01*.bat) do set update=%%U

if not exist %update%.txt goto install

for %%U in (%dir1%\i-A02*.bat) do set update=%%U

if not exist %update%.txt goto install

for %%U in (%dir1%\i-A03*.bat) do set update=%%U

if not exist %update%.txt goto install

for %%U in (%dir1%\i-A04*.bat) do set update=%%U

if not exist %update%.txt goto install

for %%U in (%dir1%\i-A05*.bat) do set update=%%U

if not exist %update%.txt goto install

for %%U in (%dir1%\i-A06*.bat) do set update=%%U

if not exist %update%.txt goto install

for %%U in (%dir1%\i-A07*.bat) do set update=%%U

if not exist %update%.txt goto install

for %%U in (%dir1%\i-A08*.bat) do set update=%%U

if not exist %update%.txt goto install

for %%U in (%dir1%\i-A09*.bat) do set update=%%U

if not exist %update%.txt goto :install


echo Stage Final - All drivers are installed

echo i-A19-StageFinal > %dir1%\i-A19-StageFinal.txt

explorer %dir1%, /n, /e

if (%OS%) == (Windows_NT) del "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\「開始」功能表\程式集\啟動\drivers.bat"

if not (%OS%) == (Windows_NT) del "C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\啟動\drivers.bat"

goto end


echo %update% > %update%.txt

call %update%

IF ERRORLEVEL 1 copy %update%.txt %update%.ERROR.txt

start reboot10s.vbs


i-A01-IntelChipsetINF-silent.bat :-

if (%OS%) == (Windows_NT) goto XP


start /wait IntelChipsetINF\infinst_autolMe.exe -a -s -f2"C:\"

goto end


start /wait IntelChipsetINF\infinst_autolXp.exe -a -s -f2"C:\"


i-A02-IntelApplicationAccelerator-silent.bat :-

start /wait IntelApplicationAccelerator\iaa23_multi.exe -a -s -f2"C:\Iaa.log"

i-A03-VIAUSB2V270-L-M-silent.bat :-

start /wait VIAUSB2V270-L-M\setup.exe -s -f2"C:\VIAUSB2.log"

i-A06-DLinkG122-silent.bat :-

start /wait D-LinkAirPlusDWL-G122WinDrivers_v2-0-1-0\setup.exe -s -f2"C:\Dlink.log"

i-A07-NvidiaVGA-VantaTNT-silent.bat :-

if (%OS%) == (Windows_NT) goto XP


start /wait NvidiaVGA\71.84_win9x_international\setup.exe -s -f2"C:\NvidiaVGA.log"

goto end


start DriverSigningPolicy.exe

start /wait NvidiaVGA\61.76_winxp2k_international_whql\setup.exe -s -f2"C:\NvidiaVGA.log"


@rem to extract ?_international.exe /S or by zip software

@rem setup.iss : BootOption=0

i-A09-SisAudio7018-silent.bat :-

start /wait SisAudio7018_119\setup.exe -s -f2"c:\SisAudio.log"

ping -n 90 > NUL

Reboot10s.vbs :-

Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

IntButton=WShell.Popup ("This Computer will be reboot after 10s",10,"reboot",1)

if IntButton=-1 or IntButton=1 then

WShell.Popup "This Computer is reboot now",2,"reboot"

strComputer = "localhost"

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _

& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Shutdown)}!\\" & _

strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _

("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")

For Each objOperatingSystem in colOperatingSystems



end if

if IntButton=2 then WScript.Echo "Reboot is cancelled"



for chinese windows

DriverSigningPolicy.au3 :-



'compile it to DriverSigningPolicy.au3 by AutoIt

for english windows

DriverSigningPolicy.au3 :-

WinWaitActive("Hardware Installation","has not passed")


'compile it to DriverSigningPolicy.au3 by AutoIt


Edited by cwyhk
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