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Unattended XP+Apps+Printers

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I would like to create a DVD which will provide me an unattended XP installation, once it will be installed, it will launch a GUI/Console with a list of applications and printers, I will check which one I want and it will start installing them unattended one after other. Could you please provide me the information what I need to do this?


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Try this, it a HTA that a sfx file to edit extract the hta and use what ever text editor. This use Jscript and VBS script, all it will do is confirm if something been check. All you have to do is change the text displays and add your own scripts to it.

Here is the code if you do not want to down load the sfx I have included. Save As Demo_Install.hta

<HTML><HEAD><BODY> <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">
<Title> Demo_Install_Template </Title><HTA:APPLICATION ID="Demo_Install_Template" SCROLL="No"
SCROLLFLAT ="No" SingleInstance="Yes" ShowInTaskbar="Yes" SysMenu="Yes" MaximizeButton="No" MinimizeButton="No"
Border="Thin" BORDERSTYLE ="complex" INNERBORDER ="No" Caption="Yes" WindowState="Normal" APPLICATIONNAME="Demo_Install_Template"
<style type="text/css">
{font:10.25pt;font-family:Poor Richard;color:#008040;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient
{font:10.25pt;font-family:Poor Richard;color:#000080;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient
{ font:10.75pt Palatino Linotype;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient
(GradientType=0, StartColorStr='#5e9ab9',EndColorStr='#eeeeee');}
{font:10.75pt Palatino Linotype; color:#000c80;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient
(GradientType=0, StartColorStr='#eeeeee', EndColorStr='#5e9ab9');}
{font:8.75pt;font-family:Palatino Linotype;color:#000080;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient
{font:9.25pt Palatino Linotype;color:#007266;font-weight:Italic;line-height:110%;text-align:Center;}
{font:9.25pt Palatino Linotype;color:#00101a;font-weight:Italic;line-height:110%;text-align:Left;}
/* A CSS PART */
a:link {text-decoration:none;color:#000c80}
a:visited {text-decoration:none;color:#000c80}
a:hover {text-decoration:none;color:#008c8c}
a:active {text-decoration:none;color:#003c3c}
a.menuitem:active{text-decoration:none;color:#000080*;background-color:;display: block;
<!-- ===================================================================================== -->
var File="", Play, s="";
var Fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var Act = new ActiveXObject("Wscript.Shell");
var i=0; var ie=(document.all)?1:0; var ns=(document.layers)?1:0;
var Question
Question = "Would you like to continue?" + '\n ' + "Ok to continue Cancel to quit"
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RESIZE THE WINDOW
window.resizeTo (571,311), window.moveTo (150,175);
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SCRIPT FOR THE DROP MENUS
function expand(s)
{var td = s;var d = td.getElementsByTagName("div").item(0);td.className = "menuHover"; d.className = "menuHover";}
function collapse(s)
{var td = s; var d = td.getElementsByTagName("div").item(0);td.className = "menuNormal";d.className = "menuNormal";}
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Button Flash
function LightOn(what){ if (ie) what.style.backgroundColor = '#06d3ed'; else return;}
function LightOff(what){if (ie) what.style.backgroundColor = '#0926ed';else return;}
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Menu 001 Application Install Popup Text
function Menu01() {if (RBG.style.visibility == "hidden")
{RBG.style.visibility = "",m1a.style.visibility = "",m1b.style.visibility = ""}
else {RBG.style.visibility = "hidden",m1a.style.visibility = "hidden",m1b.style.visibility = "hidden"}}
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Menu 002 Close Button Popup Text
function Menu02() {if (RBG.style.visibility == "hidden")
{RBG.style.visibility = "",m2a.style.visibility = "",m2b.style.visibility = ""}
else {RBG.style.visibility = "hidden",m2a.style.visibility = "hidden",m2b.style.visibility = "hidden"}}
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Menu 003 Printer Install Popup Text
function Menu03() {if (RBG.style.visibility == "hidden")
{RBG.style.visibility = "",m3a.style.visibility = "",m3b.style.visibility = ""}
else {RBG.style.visibility = "hidden",m3a.style.visibility = "hidden",m3b.style.visibility = "hidden"}}
<!-- ===================================================================================== -->
<script language="vbscript">
Dim Act : Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") : Dim Fso : Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim DemoHta : DemoHta = Act.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Systemdrive%\Demo_Install.hta")
Dim IconHta : IconHta = Act.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Systemdrive%\Hta2.ico")
Function ChkBox1()
If Checkbox1.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Apllication 001" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function ChkBox2()
If Checkbox2.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Apllication 002" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function ChkBox3()
If Checkbox3.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Apllication 003" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function ChkBox4()
If Checkbox4.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Apllication 004" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function ChkBox5()
If Checkbox5.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Apllication 005" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function ChkBox6()
If Checkbox6.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Apllication 006" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function Printer01()
If Prnt1.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Printer 001 install" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function Printer02()
If Prnt2.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Printer 002 install" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function Printer03()
If Prnt3.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Printer 003 install" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function Printer04()
If Prnt4.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Printer 004 install" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function Printer05()
If Prnt5.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Printer 005 install" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function Printer06()
If Prnt6.Checked Then : window.alert "You press Printer 006 install" : End if
Exit Function
End Function
Function ExitHta()
If Fso.FileExists(DemoHta) Then Fso.DeleteFile(DemoHta) End If
If Fso.FileExists(IconHta) Then Fso.DeleteFile(IconHta) End If
End Function
<!-- ======================== SCRIPT SEPARATOR ======================== -->
<Body Class="Normal" Scroll="No"><!-- START TOP BAR -->
<table width="540" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><td height="35" colspan="2" align="Center" Class="Bar1">
<Table Class="UpdateMenu" width="425"><!-- START OF DROP DOWN MENU -->
<!-- ======================== SCRIPT SEPARATOR ======================== -->
<Body Class="Normal" Scroll="No"><!-- START TOP BAR -->
<table width="540" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><td height="35" colspan="2" align="Center" Class="Bar1">
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<!-- ======================== SCRIPT SEPARATOR ======================== -->
<td width="217" align="" Class="menuNormal" onmouseover="expand(this);" onmouseout="collapse(this);">
<!-- MENU OO1 START --><a href="#_" onmouseover="Menu01()" onmouseout="Menu01()">
<Center>Application Install Menu</Center><div class="menuNormal" width="125">
<!-- Application 001 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="151"><TD WIDTH="" class="SubMenu" align=""><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Checkbox1" Onclick="ChkBox1()">Application 001</a></TD></Table>
<!-- Application 002 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="151"><TD WIDTH="" class="SubMenu" align=""><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Checkbox2" Onclick="ChkBox2()">Application 002</a></TD></Table>
<!-- Application 003 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="151"><TD WIDTH="" class="SubMenu" align=""><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Checkbox3" Onclick="ChkBox3()">Application 003</a></TD></Table>
<!-- Application 004 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="151"><TD WIDTH="" class="SubMenu" align=""><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Checkbox4" Onclick="ChkBox4()">Application 004</a></TD></Table>
<!-- Application 005 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="151"><TD WIDTH="" class="SubMenu" align=""><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Checkbox5" Onclick="ChkBox5()">Application 005</a></TD></Table>
<!-- Application 006 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="151"><TD WIDTH="" class="SubMenu" align=""><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Checkbox6" Onclick="ChkBox6()">Application 006</a></TD></Table>
<!-- END OF DROP DOWN MENU 001 --></div></a></TD><!-- DO NOT DELETE -->
<!-- ======================== SCRIPT SEPARATOR ======================== -->
<td width="127" align="" Class="menuNormal" onmouseover="expand(this);" onmouseout="collapse(this);">
<a href="#_" Onclick="ExitHta()" onmouseover="Menu02()" onmouseout="Menu02()"><Center>Close</Center><div class="menuNormal" width="125"></a></td>
<!-- ======================== SCRIPT SEPARATOR ======================== -->
<td width="217" align="" Class="menuNormal" onmouseover="expand(this);" onmouseout="collapse(this);">
<!-- MENU OO2 START --><a href="#_" onmouseover="Menu03()" onmouseout="Menu03()">
<Center>Printers Install Menu</Center><div class="menuNormal" width="125">
<!-- Printer 001 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="159"><TD class="SubMenu"><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Prnt1" Onclick="Printer01()">Printer 001</a></TD></Table>
<!-- Printer 002 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="159"><TD class="SubMenu"><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Prnt2" Onclick="Printer02()">Printer 002</a></TD></Table>
<!-- Printer 003 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="159"><TD class="SubMenu"><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Prnt3" Onclick="Printer03()">Printer 003</a></TD></Table>
<!-- Printer 004 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="159"><TD class="SubMenu"><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Prnt4" Onclick="Printer04()">Printer 004</a></TD></Table>
<!-- Printer 005 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="159"><TD class="SubMenu"><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Prnt5" Onclick="Printer05()">Printer 005</a></TD></Table>
<!-- Printer 006 -->
<Table class="UpdateMenu" width="159"><TD class="SubMenu"><A href="#_">
<Input Type="checkbox" Name="Prnt6" Onclick="Printer06()">Printer 006</a></TD></Table>
<!-- END OF DROP DOWN MENU 002 --></a></td></table></TD></table><!-- DO NOT DELETE -->
<!-- END TOP BAR -->
<!-- ======================== SCRIPT SEPARATOR ======================== --><!-- Common BackGround Transparency -->
<Div id="RBG" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute; top:1; Left:1; width:1; height:1;
background-color: white; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.alpha(opacity=100);
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr='#bbb7b3', EndColorStr='#c4c0bb')"></DIV>
<!-- ======================== SCRIPT SEPARATOR ======================== -->
<Div id="m1a" style="visibility:hidden;color:;position:absolute;top:60;left:251;width:310;height:18;margin-top:5;margin-left:5;">
<P Class="PopupTopText">Application Install Selector</DIV>
<DIV id="m1b" style="visibility:hidden;color:;position:absolute;top:75;left:251;width:320;height:16;margin-top:5;margin-left:5;">
<UL Class="PopupTextBottom">
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Application 001
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Application 002
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Application 003
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Application 004
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Application 005
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Application 006
<!-- ======================== SCRIPT SEPARATOR ======================== -->
<Div id="m2a" style="visibility:hidden;color:;position:absolute;top:45;left:199;width:250;height:18;margin-top:5;margin-left:5;">
<P Class="PopupTopText">Close This HTA</DIV>
<DIV id="m2b" style="visibility:hidden;color:;position:absolute;top:60;left:199;width:300;height:16;margin-top:5;margin-left:5;">
<UL Class="PopupTextBottom">
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Press This To Close The HTA
<!-- ======================== SCRIPT SEPARATOR ======================== -->
<Div id="m3a" style="visibility:hidden;color:;position:absolute;top:100;left:29;width:260;height:18;margin-top:5;margin-left:5;">
<P Class="PopupTopText">Printer Install Selector</DIV>
<DIV id="m3b" style="visibility:hidden;color:;position:absolute;top:115;left:29;width:280;height:16;margin-top:5;margin-left:5;">
<UL Class="PopupTextBottom">
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Printer 001
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Printer 002
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Printer 003
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Printer 004
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Printer 005
<li Class="PopupTextBottom">Text For Printer 006
<!-- ======================== SCRIPT SEPARATOR ======================== -->



Edited by gunsmokingman
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I have to give you props Gunsmokingman. Your a good man. I have absolutely no need for this prog. Just impressed at your response to (i assume) a complete strangers need.

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I have to give you props Gunsmokingman. Your a good man. I have absolutely no need for this prog. Just impressed at your response to (i assume) a complete strangers need.


If anyone needs help with this just post here and I will try and help.

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Thank you very much for your reply, I keep on exploring the forum, every second I discover something new, I found WPI which is interesting and started to implement immediately, but the more I work, the more questions I get, so "Search" function is my friend.

I like this forum.

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Thank you very much for your reply, I keep on exploring the forum, every second I discover something new, I found WPI which is interesting and started to implement immediately, but the more I work, the more questions I get, so "Search" function is my friend.

I like this forum.

Hey, nice reaction indeed :thumbup.

Obviously, you did not search very much before your first post, but that was just a normal beginner's reaction.

You learned very quickly how to use the forum. Congrat!

Yes, WPI can be a good solution for your need. There are a few other app arround with the same goal, but this one is a serious candidate.

I like this forum too because it has a high signal/noise ratio ... except that I am currently increasing the noise ! :whistle:

Edited by Djé
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